Angry Buck and Flustered Eddie (Part 1)

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(Prompt: Angry Buck + punching bag scene with added spice and Buddie flare plus better plot if I do say so myself. This takes place while they are together, but no one knows yet, so it could be a considered a continuation of my last one but wasn't written intentionally written that way.)

Eddie's POV-

Christopher and I are over at abuela's making homemade taquitos for dinner before she takes him for the night while I have a 12-hour shift in 3 hours. 

"Eddie, can you get the salsa verde from the fridge while I take the taquitos out from the oven?" Abuela asks as I set the plates down at the table.

I grab the salsa verde and hot pads, setting them on the counter for her when my phone rings. Looking down, I see Chimney calling, ignoring it. I put my phone on vibrate in my back pocket, knowing he is probably just asking me to bring something. We sit down and are in the middle of a prayer when my phone starts vibrating with multiple texts.

Looking up, Abuela finishes the prayer, "you should take that it could be important."

I sigh, checking my phone to see 12 messages from Chimeny: 


Pick up, please! 

Come to the station! 

Code Red! 

Buck needs you! 

We need you!



I look up to see Abuela grabbed a large container putting 2/3 of the taquitos in the bowl. Sealing the lid, "Go, I got him. Share this with the team!" she says, giving me a knowing look.

"Thank you." I say, texting Chimney, 'I am on my way.'

I grab the container and kiss Christopher on the head as he stuffs taquitos in his mouth. Rushing out the door to the station.


Jumping out of my car, I run into the station, forgetting the keys and taquitos in the truck, just hoping Buck is ok. 

"Psst in here!" I hear to the right of me as I jog past the lockers. Walking quickly, I see Chimney, Hen, and most of the team sitting in there with worried expressions on their faces.

"What are you doing in here? What is so urgent it couldn't wait 3 more hours?" I demand.

"We are hiding. Buck is in the gym, and he is mad," Chimney whispers glancing out the door.

"Are you kidding me? I came all the way down here for you to tell me he is mad! I thought he was seriously injured or was in the hospital or something!" I exclaim, relieved and fully annoyed; I missed a nice meal with my son.

"No, you don't understand Buck is MAD," Chimeny explains dramatically.

"Ok, I get it. He is mad that still doesn't explain why you are hiding in the locker room," I say, still bewildered.

"You haven't dealt with mad Buck before; you have only dealt with annoyed or slightly peeved Buck. Mad Buck is a whole different breed of scary," Hen explains, "that is why we need you to deal with him.

He is only likely to calm down for you or Maddie, and I already asked her, but she said that it probably wouldn't be helpful right now, whatever that means. He just stormed into here about 30 minutes ago and scared all the new cadets that were here."

I roll my eyes with a slightly unsettled feeling seeping into my stomach, hoping they are just being their dramatic selves. 


I walk into the gym to see a very angry shirtless Buck assaulting a punching bag. I slowly walk up to him, still keeping a decent distance. Glancing to look at me, his eyes visible darken, and an unidentifiable look crosses over his face. Then with one last set of punches, the punching bag rocks backward, smashing into the floor.

I gulp, a mix of fear and arousal settling in my gut.

Silently I help him heave the bag back up to its normal verticle position.

"I told them," he states before squirting water into his mouth, some missing his mouth hitting his chin, causing water droplets to mix with the sweat on his chest dripping down his abs... 

Shaking my head clearing my thoughts, I ask, "told them what?" trying to keep my eyes on his face.

"about us," he responds, going back to punching the bag aggressively.

"I assume it went well," I joke, hoping to cut the tension.

Huffing, "well, it started off per usual-" hitting the bag in between words, "-they ask if I have a girlfriend, and I tell them no, then they tell me how I should start getting serious about finding a wife." 

More aggressive hitting "then I told them that I was dating someone and it is serious-" he stops hitting the bag. Looking at me as he says -"and that I was planning on making this person my husband someday." 

Us both smiling at each other at the thought, then he continues, "and of course they both look shocked and disappointed like me being bisexual was a phase that was supposed to go away when I got my life together."

He huffs at the memory going back to hitting the punching bag slightly less hard than before. "Then the rest of the night, they don't ask me any further questions about me or even who it is I am dating.  Like usual, hoping if they ignore it that it will go away. So finally, when they are talking about Maddie and the baby, my mom starts making snide comments about how she is so happy she will have at least one grandkid," he says, huffing out a sad and angry breath.

I sit down on the bench, knowing where this is going and hoping to calm him down before he breaks the punching bag for good. He sits down next to me, wiping his sweat off with a towel he continues.

"I couldn't take it anymore, so I yelled at them about how they would have more than one grandkid and calling them out on all the stuff they did to me. How they never asked me about you or Christopher and didn't even know that it was you who I am seeing. How they didn't ask if I was happy or how it was going. How they would only care about me or certain parts of my life that fit into their 'Buck box' they have had around me my whole life. 

Then I just left," he finishes clearly, still very angry but less riled up and calmer.

"It's over, Eddie. I am done; I can't handle it anymore. I built my new family away from them, and I am happy. I am happy with you and Christopher. I am happy here at the 118 with Hen, Chimney, Bobby, and you.

For once in my life, I am happy and love my life. I can't keep dredging up our history and my darkest memories with them digging up buried feelings that I left behind when I left them. I can't keep trying to get them to understand and hoping they will one day want to truly get to know me or care," he states, exhausted, putting his head in his hands. 

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