My Family

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(This takes place after Season 4 Episode 8 after a date Buck goes on and Eddie is still with Ana)

Buck is sitting in his car outside Eddie's place, head rested on the back of his seat, taking deep breathes. He and Eddie have gotten into a habit of going to Eddie's place after a date, and they both talk about the date and their days over a beer. 

This started when Buck was babysitting Christopher for Eddie on his dates with Ana, then Eddie started asking him to do it after his dates as well. Naturally, Buck agreed, and they have started a new tradition. 

Now, normally this wouldn't be a problem. It is just that is Buck started looking forward to that way more than the date itself.

Sighing, he opens the car door, locking it heading into Eddie's house.  He opens the door, quietly walking into the kitchen, making sure not to wake up Christopher.

He enters the kitchen to see Eddie standing there leaning against the counter, beer in hand waiting for him.

"So, how was the date?" Eddie asks as Buck walks to the fridge, grabbing a beer for himself.

"Not good," Buck sighs, grabbing the opener still on the counter; opening the beer.

"I broke it off."

"oh no, why?" Eddie asks sincerely.

"Because I don't like her the amount I should," Buck states, simply leaning on the opposite counter.

 "Oh, ok, well, you will find some else," Eddie assures.

"I already have," Buck whispers, staring down at the beer in his hand.

"Ohhh... Why haven't I heard about them?" Eddie exclaims, confused since his best friend tells him about all the girls he goes out with.

Buck doesn't answer, still staring at his beer.

He finally looks up, contemplating as he examines Eddies' face.

"You know why," he states. 

The weight of the statement weighing down on the air as the two stare at each other. The silence is deafening. 

"We don't have to talk about it. I just don't like her how I should," Buck whispers, looking at the fridge where a new drawing of Christophers sits. 

"Damn..." Eddie states, making Buck look up at him.

"What?" Buck asks, confused.

"I had just gotten in a relationship," Eddie says, smiling standing up.

Buck starts, "You don't hav-" Eddie cutting him off by grabbing his neck kissing him. Buck's eyes fly open in surprise, reacting immediately, he standing up kissing him back.

Putting his arms around Eddie's waist, he breaks the kiss smiling. They rest their heads together, breathing in each other. Eddie opens his eyes staring up at Buck, chuckling with an equally stupid grin on his face. 

Buck glances back at the refrigerator, finely getting a good look at Christopher's drawing. The drawing is in crayon and is a picture of Buck, Eddie, and Christopher with the title My Family above it.

Eddie glancing at what Buck is looking at, he smiles even bigger, if that was even possible. They just stand there in the kitchen, holding each other staring at the drawing. Their dates and future worries are temporarily forgotten as they bask in the warmth and comfort of the family they have built for themselves.

Where are all my Little Woman fans at? I didn't originally plan for the references to happen; they just kind of did, so I hope you enjoy it. This just popped in my head and I had to write it quickly before I forgot. It was inspired by the last episode (season 4, episode 8), where Eddie comes home from his date and Buck is standing there looking like the loving husband he is.

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