Chapter 2 - Greetings

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Hey Guys! This Update was written by the amazing Whitney or MrsStyles9210 so go fan her, and enjoy the chapter! Votes and Comments totally welcome! .xxx

I awoke the next morning to sunlight pouring through his window. Such a rare thing, it seemed, but he welcomed it with open arms. It was a school morning, of course, and I got out of bed, putting my clothes on as slowly as I possibly could. I heard a knock at the door.

“Harry?” my mother’s voice came from the other side. “It’s almost time for school, sweetheart.”

“Coming, mum,” I said, brushing my hair quickly and running downstairs. My mother had breakfast ready, my favorite: French toast and bacon.  I wasn’t really all that hungry, but I ate a little bit of it, anyway.

“Don’t be nervous, baby,” Mum said, brushing the curls from my eyes. “You’re gonna be just fine.”

“Bullies,” was all I said before getting up and grabbing my backpack. “See you later, mum. Love you.”

“Don’t go just yet,” Mum said, grinning. “Didn’t you wonder how you were gonna get to school?”

I shrugged. “I just assumed I was walking to the bus stop.”

Mum laughed. “No! Come with me.”

I sighed, but followed my mother anyway. She led me to the garage off the house. She turned to face me with a huge grin. “I got this for you as a welcome home present...” 

She flipped the lights on and I saw a brand new car sitting in the garage. It was a brand new Land Rover. My jaw dropped as I looked at my mother in surprise. “Mum, you didn’t–“

“Shh, shh,” she said. “Yes, I did.”

I smiled, giving my mother a big hug. “Thanks, mum.”

“Get to school,” she said, laughing a little, smiling at me as she walked into the house. “And don’t worry! You’re gonna be just fine today, baby!”


I pulled into the parking lot of my new school about fifteen minutes later. There were kids standing around outside, throwing weird glances my way. Haven’t they ever seen a new kid before? I shook my head, sighing sadly, as I reached into the backseat for my backpack. I got out of the car and walked into the building. I was immediately greeted by a blonde-haired guy with really pretty blue eyes.

“HI!” the guy chirped. “You must be the new guy! I’m Niall Horan.”

“Harry Styles,” I said, holding out my hand. “Nice to meet you...”

Niall took my  hand, grinning. "Nice to meet you, too, Harry! Is that short for anything?"

“Nah!” I said. "It's just Harry." 

“Eh, okay,” Niall said with a warm smile.

“Interesting accent,” I said. “I’m taking it you’re not from England?”

“Ireland,” Niall said, smiling a little. “Grew up there. I moved here just last year.”

“So you’re....still a little new, too, then?” I asked, biting on my lip.

“I guess you could say that,” Niall said. “C’mon! I’ll show you to the office!”

I smiled, following Niall to where the office was. Niall instructed me to wait outside while he went to get the principal, so that I could get my class schedule. While I was waiting...something happened. Someone, really.

I was sitting on the bench, waiting. I was looking around at all the kids, most of them giving me really odd looks or just completely ignoring me. I sighed, fidgeting with my fingers. I got the feeling of being watched, but I shook it off quickly. Although, after a few minutes, I was starting to get uncomfortable. I looked up, feeling a bit angry and frustrated, and my breath caught in my throat.

There was a beautiful boy, not much older than I was, standing a little further down the hall. He was leaning against the wall, staring at me with bright blue eyes. His brown hair hung a little bit in his face, but the rest seemed to styled up. When the boy realized I had seen him, he hung his head, and turned and ran in the other direction. Before I could get up to follow, Niall and the principal emerged from the office with my locker assignment and class schedule. 

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