Chapter 15 - Vampire

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Hey Lovelies! Here is a short chappie from me! Sorry if it sucks I am still emotional from writing the epilogue for one of my stories! anyway votes and comments are appreciated! :) .xx

Harry POV

I am not scared of Louis but just if he is a vampire, I am possibly sitting in my car with a killer. He won't kill me, or at least I hope not. Louis wearily got into the car, I have no idea where we are going but somewhere and he is going to tell me everything. I drove not making any kind of contact with Louis which wasn't making this situation any better but still. If I open my mouth I have no idea what I would say. 'So your a killer? are you going to suck my blood' I don't think that would go down well.

I pulled up at an empty parking lot, great so if he decides to attack me no one will know. I just get this vibe he won't hurt me, but I don't know whether I can trust him. "So what do you want to know?" Louis questioned me. 

"Tell me everything" I shot back. "You tell me what you think I am and I will tell you if you are correct" Louis sassed back at me. Jesus vampires are said to have temper problems and Louis ticks that box. "well, i did some research on your...condition....and the word "VAMPIRE" popped up."

I just sat there looking to see if I had any reaction. Yep I got nothing at all, Now he probably thinks I am like stupid. "Maybe, my website was wro-" I was interrupted. "no, wasn't wrong" I just look at him gobsmacked. HOLY SHIT, these so called vampires are only in books and shows they can't be real. I cannot be physically sitting in a car with a vampire.

Oh my god, I am like freaking out on the inside. "Is it true you have like p-p-powers?" I asked kind of sounding dumb. "Well, that is correct" I gulped probably pretty loudly.

I don't know if I am scared or just like mind blown with this information. "And, and uhh what would yours be?" I need to stop stuttering. "I can read minds, but I can't read yours" He can't read mine is that a good or bad thing? "Is that good or bad?" Louis finally laughed more or less breaking the tension. "Well for your sake good, at least you can't have me prying in on your thoughts"

Louis POV

He is taking this pretty well in fact. I am surprised he hasn't just dumped me on the street and freaked out. Man his blood smells so good from this close, but I just can't hurt him. I am developing feelings for this amazing smelling, curly haired, green eyed boy.

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