Chapter 28 - Fight Till It's Over

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Heeeeellllllooooo!! I am sooo sorry this sucks, please excuse the fact it is literally 4am right now and I am tired as hell but I couldn't sleep after being woken up so I decided to write an update so please excuse me if some of it doesn't make any sense. Love you all and would love your votes and comments. xx

Louis POV

“Babe, your dozing off again” I stroked Harrys luscious curls again. “Sorry Lou, im just kinda tired.” I carried on caressing his curls. “That’s fine babe, sleep away” It’s kinda funny how adorable he looks right now, tucked up on my lap while we are halfway through It’s Complicated. Well it’s a good movie but just not good enough to keep Harry awake.

I bring out my phone and settle with texting Danielle.

To Danielle.

How’s the issue with Eleanor and The Newbie?

From Danielle.

Hey Lou! Um not so good. Ed,Justin,Perrie and Simon are out there now but she’s been on a rampage a few citezens have been killed by this new vamps actions. I can’t see whats going to  happen if I see anything you will be first to know. I better go grab Caroline her tea. Talk soon x

Great! I firstly have no idea what’s going on but at least some of the family is hunting them.  Oh well for now my only problem is keeping Harry safe. I slowly slip from Harrys side and put some tea on. I hum along for a few minutes until I think I hear rough breathing. “Louis please, please. No you can’t leave me.” Harry was pleading. “No you can’t do this Louis. NO!” Harry screamed and that was my breaking point, I ran into the living room and threw myself at him. “Harry, Love, Harry shhh babe” I shook him. Tears were now streaming down his face. “Hey, shhh love. I’m right here” I just held him in my arms forgetting all about my previous task of making tea.

“Louis?” Harry’s green eyes filled with tears met mine. “Shh, it was just a bad dream love” I kissed his forehead pulling him closer and stroking his hair. “Bad dream?” Harry just nodded and curled in closer to my side. I hate seeing him look so vulnerable. “You’re not going to leave me Louis are you?” I looked at Harry and tried to show him the affection in my eyes, haha very funny it wasn’t working so well. “Love. I would never go anywhere without you ok?”

Harry just nodded and buried his head into my neck. I couldn’t help but take in his warmness, god dammit I am falling seriously hard for this curly boy. Just as I was getting comfortable. My phone was vibrating like crazy beside me.

From Danielle.

HUGE PROBLEM. You need to get you and Harry out as quickly as possible! Ed and I will take Harry somewhere safe and we need you back here Lou, Andy and Eleanor are tracking him Louis.

I sat straight up. Harry just said before he didn’t want me to leave. Would he let me this time? I have to go to protect him. I mean Danielle and Ed will look after him. “Harry love. Ed and Danielle are coming to get you and take you somewhere safe, me on the other hand has to go back and sort Eleanor and Andy because they’re hunting you”

“But you said you wouldn’t leave me Lou” I nodded and gently pecked his lips. “I know Harry but once I sort this I will be with you for the rest of your life and you won’t be getting rid of me… unless you find a way to kill me” I chuckled. Harry didn’t seem to think it was funny.  “Louis please” I stroked his curls again. “You’ll be safe with Ed and Dani, I won’t be gone long. Just long enough to kill that bitch” I growled and thankfully Harry laughed. “Well you better give me a kiss that will make up for all the ones you won’t be giving me while your away” I chuckled pulling him in. “I can do that” Our lips slowly met and my arms wrapped themselves around his waist pulling him in as his tongue swiped along my bottom lip and I let it sneak in my mouth. These kisses make me feel like our first kiss all over again.

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