Chapter 31 - Charmed His Way

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Helloooooo! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile but anyway here I am! Sorry it's short and mostly talking but you know i updated so thats a bonus I guess?? Anyway vote,comment and fan maybe?? <3 

Louis POV

Harry is still in danger with Eleanor on the loose, But I miss him too much. “Mum can we bring Harry back to our place? We can guard him there?” Caroline nodded knowing it is probably the safest place for him right now with Eleanor knowing he is with Ed and dani and no offence to them but they aren’t the strongest vampires out.

I quickly called Danielle telling her the plan so her Ed and Harry were on the way back. I really miss my Harry. “God you’re so damn whipped!” Perrie poked my side. “Well excuse me but you and Justin isn’t any better” I huffed and walked back inside the house.

“True, but I mean Harry is a charming boy I guess”

“Don’t you dare! He’s mine!” I snarled.

“Calm your farm Lou, I have Justin I don’t need your boyfriend”

“Good cause you can’t have him” I growled before crossing my arms and sitting on the couch.

“God you’re a pathetic brother. JUSTIN BABE where are you?”

Perrie strolled off leaving me in the living room sulking. I’m not even sure why, but we have school again tomorrow and I just don’t have any kind of desire for another year of school.  I put my headphones in and blasted some music waiting on the arrival of Harry.



“Harry I know it’s you, I can smell you from a mile away” I laughed before pulling him over the back of the couch onto my lap. “Well how’s my gorgeous boyfriend?” I smirked.

“I’m good now I’ve seen your pretty face Lou”

“You’re such a cheesy romantic Harry”

“You love it”

I gently leaned down and pecked his lips.


I quickly pulled back and looked up to Simon,Caroline,Ed,Perrie,Dani and Justin staring at us. Harry and I instantly blushed. “uh sorry” Harry apologized.

“No worries Harry, we just need to inform you that you will be staying here for a few days till we track Eleanor and her patterns, you may want to inform your mother and also you will have one family member with you at all times” Caroline my mother spoke gently.

“Well that’s fine I’ll be with him at all times mum” I smiled at harry in which he returned.

“Well Louis you need to feed and you need to do other things you can’t be with him at all times you know.”

“well I’ll take him hunting.”

“Oh my god cough this is pathetic cough” Justin spoke.

“Oh shut up you and Perrie were just as bad” Simon scolded Justin for his rude interruption. “Anyway we will leave you now but you need to let your mother know”

“Thanks Mrs Tomlinson”

“You’re welcome Harry, if you need any of us you know where we are!”

I finally got Harry to myself and gently kissed him again. “Missed you”

“I missed you too Louis”

I connected our lips again.

“OH MY GOD just stop!” Justin interrupted again.

“Don’t you have something better to do? Maybe a girlfriend to spend time with?”

“Yes but eugh ok, uhm sorry guys I’m just winding you up”

“We figured Justin now just go” I shooed him off.

“sorry about my family Haz”

“It’s alright babe, Your families cool.”

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