Chapter 20 - Boyfriends

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HELLO EVERYONE! Sorry if this suck this chapter was in fact written by MOI we would love your votes and comments! Kay bye and hope you enjoy it while it lasts! .xx

Harry POV

I reached out having that early morning urge to stretch. It was going well until smack! I hit an unknown surface. I quickly jumped up and looked over and it was a person what the hell. Ahh my boyfriend stayed over. Aww how cute, I quickly leaned over to peck his cheek where I had previous hit with my hand. Just as I leant in I felt something oh that was deff not his cheek. I carried on gently kissing him before pulling back, "You cheeky bugger, you moved!" 

"So what if I did? Is it criminal to want a morning kiss from my boyfriend?" I felt my heart flutter this sexy man lying in my bed is my boyfriend aww I wanna faint. "Morning Harry" Louis rolled over so he was on top of me. "Daym or distracting" I pecked his lips and removed myself from under him. Getting up and heading to the dresser.

I chucked a t-shirt at Louis. "You can't wear the same clothes as yesterday idiot" I stripped down pulling up my pants and then taking off my singlet I wear at night. I instantly felt self concious I could feel Louis eyes. "Take a picture it would last longer" I smirked at Louis. I could see him oggling my boy. I chuckled pulling my shirt on and finished getting ready. "Are you gonna get dressed Lou?" 

"Uhh yeah" I shoved him playfully. "I will be downstairs when your done" I slowly closed the door and headed down to the kitchen. "Morning Mu-" I was interupted. "You used protection didn't you!" I chuckled. "We didn't do anything of that kind mum, calm down" 

Louis POV 

"You used protection didn't you!" I heard Harry laughing and could only imagine his blush. How badly I want to do that with Harry but I have to get used to his scent and being around him. But oh man he is gorgeous. I may text Dani.

To Dani the bestest sister ever! xo (Guess who put her name in my phone...)

HEY! Apologise to everyone why I wasn't home but can Harry come round after school? x

From Dani the bestest sister ever! xo

OMG THE BOY! WOOHOO Yeah mum and dad said it's absolutely fine! See you at school x

I wandered down the stairs. "Morning Mrs Cox" She beamed. "Please call me Anne" I grabbed a seat beside Harry as we ate some toast. Yeah I don't really eat toast on a daily basis but you know... "Bye mum!" I entwined my hand with Harrys as I jumped into the drivers seat of his car. "Don't you go crashing my car Lou" I  chuckled. "Aww I won't, Oh I forgot to ask! Did you wanna come round to our place again? for a proper introduction?" 

"I would love to!" I grabbed Harrys hand with my free one as we drove to school.

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