"Crowley? I need your assistance with something, if you have a moment!" Aziraphale called, sitting up straight and wiggling in excited anticipation in front of a very new computer.
"I've always got a moment for you, angel," Crowley said, sauntering out of his plant room in their cottage (which had a considerably cheerier atmosphere than the one in his flat had - not to imply that Crowley was coddling the plants. He would never. But... if he occasionally told them that all of the kind words the angel said to them were true and that they deserved the love Aziraphale bestowed upon their proud leaves... well, that was between Crowley and the plants.). He planted a kiss into the angel's sweetly scented curls. "What d'you need?"
"Well!" Aziraphale said, beaming up at him, "I was hoping you'd help me return to my viewing queue on the Echo Bay Technology Group website!"
"It's called eBay, remember? We only found out about the existence of the Echo Bay Technology Group because you insisted we Google why it was called eBay," Crowley said, leaning in over the angel to operate the computer.
"Aha... right..." was all that Aziraphale replied with, because he was still a bit mystified by the concept of Google and it certainly wasn't easier to understand when his head was swimming with the smell of Crowley's cologne.
"Here," Crowley turned the computer so that the screen displaying a list of outrageously expensive and rare books faced the angel.
"Oh! Thank you, Crowley. You are so quick with these machines!" he said, patting his hand resting on their table affectionately.
"'S really nothing, angel," he murmured with slightly pink cheeks. He may never grow used to the way Aziraphale thanked him. He always professed his gratitude with such genuine delight in his voice, and it stubbornly persisted to make Crowley's heart squeeze a bit in his chest - even after years upon years of knowing the angel.
When Crowley returned to his plants he could hear little sounds of wonder and excitement coming from the other room. He smiled and continued his spritzing.
"Crowley!?" Aziraphale called frantically after having logged into the computer (yes, he knew how to do that now! He had learned that all he had to do was place his finger on the fingerprint reader - and, yes, their computer had a fingerprint reader because Crowley wouldn't settle for anything less than the most cutting-edge technology.) and finding his eBay tab.
"What's happened?" he asked, hurrying into the room at the sound of Aziraphale's distressed voice.
"I can no longer see one of the books I was watching! Where has it gone?!" he said, with perhaps a bit more alarm than the situation really called for.
"Umm... it looks like someone bought it?" Crowley said, focused on clicking many things on the computer and entirely missing Aziraphale's shocked, dismayed, and slightly betrayed face. Aziraphale, for his part, was entirely missing Crowley's rapidly growing anxious demeanor. "Here," he said finally, "you can still look at the original listing with all of the pictures," he turned the computer over to Aziraphale.
The angel sighed melodramatically. "Oh, but it's not the same! There is not even a smidge of potential for that book to fall into my hands," he slumped his shoulders, the picture of melancholy.
"Well, that's not really true-" he said, trying to subtly imply that he was insinuating some further meaning, but Aziraphale interrupted before he could catch onto that fact.
"Yes, it is! It's not as though I was the one who purchased it!" he whined.
"Aziraphale-" Crowley started, completely ready to give away all of his secret Valentine's day schemes to return his partner to his now typical state of content.

Ineffable Husbands One Shots
RomanceThis will be a collection of short stories about the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley from Good Omens. Super fluffy, no smut... although not always entirely PG... I hope you enjoy!!