Everything's going to be perfectly alright, my dear.

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~!~ Hello! This one is sad jsjeshashs I apologize in advance for any hurt I may cause. I don't think it requires any content warnings, but if you feel differently you can let me know <3 The prompt was Body. (It's about their body swap and the night at Crowley's flat... which sounds like it could be fun, but this is,,, tears) I hope you enjoy it despite its sad nature! ~!~

Crowley looked in the mirror and felt a pang in his chest as Aziraphale's face frowned back at him. He hated to see his angel look so deeply unhappy, despite the fact that he knew he was the one pulling the long face.

He tried for a smile instead. It fell immensely flat. Somehow, it didn't even look as genuine as Aziraphale's fake smiles, or his worried smiles. It just looked like he'd bared his teeth while still exuding pain and fear in his eyes.

He let it slip away and fall back into the glum expression from earlier. Except now there was a hint of disappointment in those stormy eyes.

Crowley sighed and instinctively ran a hand through his- no, Aziraphale's- hair.

"Satan is that soft," Aziraphale's posh accent drawled as he gently patted his fluffy head.

His eyes widened almost comically as he realized he now possessed Aziraphale's voice. He glanced at the door to his bedroom, making sure that the actual Aziraphale hadn't returned from the bathroom yet. He hadn't.

Turning back to the mirror, Crowley took a steadying breath. "Everything's going to be perfectly alright, my dear," he soothed in a low voice and scrunched up his nose. Not quite right. "Everything's- every- everything-" Crowley changed the pitch, trying to match Aziraphale's normal tone- "everything's- everything's going to be perfectly alright, my dear," he said, squeezing his fists. Yep. That was it. He blinked away the tears that were threatening to form.

Crowley turned away from the mirror, not able to bear the sight of Aziraphale nearly crying. He cleared his throat and was once again a bit thrown when it sounded like Aziraphale. For a split second, he thought it was the angel, returned from the bathroom, clearing his throat disapprovingly at Crowley making an emotional mess of his body. But, of course, that would have sounded like Crowley. This whole thing was far too confusing. But it was worth it. Absolutely worth it.

Hanging his head, he made his way over to his bed. He plopped onto it heavily. Aziraphale's body had a lot more heft to it than Crowley's spindly form. He rather liked it though, that Aziraphale's soft personality was also displayed in his soft physique. He gently wrapped his arms around himself. Aziraphale was so huggable. Crowley wished he could have his own separate body to hug Aziraphale with, but this was not too shabby either.

"What am I doing?" he groaned, covering his face with his hands. Hugging himself? Really? Soon, he was going to come face-to-face with a roomful of archangels while the being he loved most waltzed himself into literal Hell, and he was about to fall apart from hugging himself in his own bedroom. "I can't do this! I can't let Aziraphale go down there- risk his life- for me-" he cut off his rambling words with a deep, throaty groan that was rather terrifying in Aziraphale's voice.

His contempt for the situation lasted for a few more moments before he deflated once more.

He closed his eyes. "Ev- everything's-" sniffle- "going to be perfectly alright, my dear," he repeated. "Oh... and... Crowley..." he took another steadying breath, "I-"

"Ahem!" Crowley's voice cut in, sounding terribly polite.

"Aziraphale," the angel's voice said in a gravelly tone, as his pale blue eyes shot open.

"Ah... hello, dear. Are you... enjoying my body?" he asked, looking far more humble than Crowley ever had.

"Not especially."

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