Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon

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It was a Sunday, and everything was really quite lovely.

Aziraphale could absolutely get used to lazy weekends like this. And it seemed as though he would be able to.

Aziraphale had woken Crowley up around 8, but they stayed in bed until 9:30. Crowley had fallen back asleep during that time, and Aziraphale had let his mind wander. He was very skilled at the art of thinking quietly, sometimes for hours on end. It helped to have a very active imagination; a trait that he and the demon shared.

Then, they had gotten up. Crowley made breakfast for Aziraphale, as the demon very rarely chose to partake in food. He fried an egg, cooked sausage, then made it into a sandwich -- placing the ingredients onto an everything bagel from a shop down the road.

"Mmm! My that is scrumptious," Aziraphale complimented.

Crowley preened under the praise, smiling softly at his angel. "Glad you like it."

"I love it, my dear," Aziraphale leaned towards the demon, giving him a peck on his now-rosy cheek.

"Mmph. Was. Made with love. That was," Crowley gestured with his head toward the breakfast.

"Oh, and I can taste it in every bite! Mmmmmm," Aziraphale closed his eyes, savoring the taste of his demon's love for him.

Crowley sighed adoringly, and when Aziraphale opened his eyes, they crinkled into his fondest smile. They were bloody saps, and they loved it that way.

After the angel finished his breakfast, he decided to read on the sofa. He stretched alllll the way out, laying on his back. This kind of luxuriating was not something he used to do. It was something he had learned from watching Crowley partake in it many a time.

Less than a chapter into Aziraphale's reading, Crowley had silently crept and stood in the doorway of the backroom.

Aziraphale ignored him for a while, choosing to let him do whatever it was he was doing in peace.

After seventeen pages, he couldn't bear it. "Do you care to join me? There is a chair open, just for you," he drawled, without looking up from his book.

"Yeah, er. That's the thing, actually."

Aziraphale closed his book, his finger keeping his page. "What's 'the thing,' my dear boy?"

Crowley looked at the ground. "Don't wanna sit in the chair."

"Well, you may sit wherever you please," the angel reopened his book.

"Can I..." the demon trailed off.

"Can you... what?" Aziraphale inquired.

"Can I... lay... on... you?" Crowley finished his question like it was perplexing for him to string that combination of words together.

"Yes, you certainly may," Aziraphale shifted, snuggling his body deeper into the sofa, and outstretched his arms, ready and waiting for the demon.

Crowley's lips turned upward in a shy smile, his golden eyes shining with joy and excitement. He practically danced over to where Aziraphale was, then very carefully and gently slithered his way onto his angel's plush form. He nuzzled his head into the angel's chest.

"There you are, my dear boy," the angel said, fingers immediately finding their way to Crowley's head; scratching his scalp and gently carding through his hair.

The demon made a happy hissing noise, somewhere between a content sigh and a purr.

Aziraphale kissed his forehead.

"Hmm. As you were, angel. Wouldn't want to put an end to your reading."

"Ah, how thoughtful of you, my dear," Aziraphale smiled softly, still combing his fingers through his demon's flaming locks.

"Hnn. Not thoughtful," Crowley grumbled, nuzzling further into Aziraphale.

"Whatever you say, dearest," Aziraphale gave Crowley another forehead kiss, then returned to his book.

Soon enough, the demon was snoring snakily. Aziraphale's heart fluttered, delighting in his favorite white noise in the world.

After a while, Aziraphale finished his book. But Crowley still slept soundly, only occasionally stirring to cuddle closer to his angel. And who was Aziraphale to wake him?

Besides, they both surely deserved to laze on a Sunday afternoon. 


Hello! This is more self-indulgent fluff XD The title is from the Queen song. I hope you guys enjoy! Take care of yourselves :)

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