It was a pleasantly warm summer night. The windows of A. Z. Fell's bookshop were open and a breeze occasionally drifted through them, tousling the blazing red hair of a certain demon. This demon was currently reclining in a chair, ranting about how insane it was that flying squirrels existed. I suppose it should be mentioned that said demon was quite intoxicated, as was the angel accompanying him.
"The Almighty must've been high off her arse when she invented that lot. Rodents! With wings!" he took another swig from his drink.
The angel giggled and slouched down on the couch. "They don't have wings, Crowley," he spoke between laughs.
Crowley stumbled over his words before finally getting out, "Well, I mean, I guess... ehhhhh but they can still fly!! That's- that's-" he sat up to make his point, "you know what that is? That's downright nutty if you ask me," he leaned back and took another drink.
Aziraphale couldn't stop laughing. He slid down further on the couch. He laughed so hard that some of his drink spilled, which caused all laughter to cease immediately. "Oh! Oh no," he plopped all the way off the couch and onto the carpet, which now had the beginning of a red stain blooming. The act of sliding off the couch had also caused his shirt to become untucked, but the angel didn't even notice, he was too preoccupied with trying to clean up the spilled wine.
Unfortunately, his brain wasn't fully-functional at the moment, and he used his coattail to mop up some of the wine. When he realized his mistake he gave a horrified gasp.
"What 'appened?" Crowley asked, leaning forward, concerned about his angel. When he saw he was just fussing over a few stains he hummed, "'S alright. You can miracle 'em away later," Aziraphale just looked up at him with large eyes and a huge pout. "Fine, fine," Crowley snapped (harder than he meant to, his fingers stung a bit afterward) and the stains were gone.
Aziraphale looked up at him with a pleased expression. "Thank you, my dear," he moved to stand up, wavering slightly, as the alcohol had diminished much of his balance. Once he got his footing, he removed his coat, not wanting any more harm to come upon it.
Unbeknownst to Aziraphale, Crowley's heartbeat quickened. He hardly ever saw the angel without many layers covering his corporation. His mind was racing incoherently, Aziraphale! Soft! Angel! Blue! Touch- he cut himself off there. He was a demon, he had no right to even think of touching Aziraphale's angelic corporation!
Aziraphale laid his coat over the back of the couch and then returned to his seat. He gave a small happy wiggle after taking a sip of his wine, his eyes closed, savoring the experience.
Crowley coughed slightly, trying to rid himself of the warm feeling that was taking hold of his corporation that he was sure had nothing to do with the alcohol. "Y'know what else is weird?"
Aziraphale hummed interestedly, eyes fixed on Crowley.
"Dogs!" Aziraphale snorted and Crowley felt his stomach do a flip. What the- "Because!" burp. "The Almighty didn't create them! Humans jus'... y'know," his hands flailed dramatically, not doing anything to help make his point. Aziraphale giggled and slid down the couch slightly, his shirt riding up to expose an inch and a half of pale skin that shook with his giggles. Crowley froze. Aziraphale continued to giggle, with no clue as to what he was inadvertently doing to the demon.
Aziraphale's giggles subsided after Crowley had been silent for a bit. He looked at the demon with concern etched across his features. "Are you alright?" the black-clad man was quite red and looked rather frozen in place. Aziraphale wasn't even sure if he was still breathing, but of course they didn't need to breathe so he wasn't too alarmed. "Crowley?"

Ineffable Husbands One Shots
Storie d'amoreThis will be a collection of short stories about the angel Aziraphale and the demon Crowley from Good Omens. Super fluffy, no smut... although not always entirely PG... I hope you enjoy!!