Chapter 3

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Luckily when I got home Rick was out. I had no idea where he was but honestly I didn't care. It was only 12:15, I usually get out of school at 3:15. That meant i had 3 hours of nothing to do. Yipee. I can watch t.v, I can bake, I can study. I bursted out in laughter. I'm so hilarious, like I would study.

I settled for watching tv. Since Rick only has a part time job, we could only afford the smallest t.v in existence. It's like the size of a toaster. It's very hard to enjoy t.v when you can't even see the screen.




I must have fell asleep on the couch. I looked up and saw Rick standing above me.Crap.

"I heard you got suspended from school! What do you have to say for yourself, punching an innocent kid in the face?"

"Well I say he was asking for it!"

"Go to your room!"

Rick could be a real party pooper.

"And you're grounded!" I heard him yell from the distance. That's just great. I had plans for tonight. Holly and I were gonna go to the movies. Dominique would end up coming to. And Dominique would end up inviting Zeus. Zeus is 20 and basically the leader of my gang. I don't even know if his real name is Zeus, or if it was just a nickname.Him and Dominique had been on again off again for years.
Well anyway, Zeus would bring Dale and Dale would probably bring Luke. Luke is 16. He's also Dominique's cousin,he is nothing like her maybe one of them was adopted.

And besides, Holly was gonna invite a boy she had a crush on. She said he's in my grade but she won't tell me anything else. I can't bail on her and the rest of the gang. I had to do something. Lets see... right now it's 4:03, the movie stars at 5:00. The movie theater is about 30 minutes away by car. If I walked it would end up taking about an hour. I opened my window and climbed out, I was not about to bail on my friends.

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