Chapter 5

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"Eww, what are you doing here?"
Max rudely asked me.

I disregarded him and addressed Holly.

"Um, Holly. Please don't tell me this thing is your date."

Max opened his mouth but Holly cut him off before he could say anything.

"Penny, Max, do you guys know each other?"

"Know her? She's the one I told you about, the girl that almost broke my nose today!"

"I wish I broke it!"

A chorus of shhs erupted from the crowd. Holly looked like she had just eaten a hot pepper.

"Holly what could you see in a guy like him! He's a jerk!"

I was actually yelling now, not whisper yelling but like really yelling. I attracted everyone in the theater, Luke looked real worried, while Dominique and Zeus were having a fun time watching us fight.

"Penny- I- I- uh-"

Holly began to say.

Max stood up and faced me.

"Would ya leave her alone!"

I was so angry I felt like smoke was coming out of my ears.

"Would ya like to get punched in the face two times today?"

Luke got up, probably to come and restrain me. He knew what I was like when I was mad.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Watch me!"

As I lunged at him and went for the kill, time seemed to be slowing down. I looked over at Holly and saw her starting to cry, I looked over at Dominique and Zeus, they where eating popcorn and watching us like we where the movie, and then I looked over at Luke who was right behind me now. Luke came in and grabbed me before I could do any real damage.

Luke's P.O.V

I couldn't believe Penny- wait, yeah I could. This seems like the exact thing she would do. I picked her up before she killed the poor kid.

"Hey! Let me go!"

Penny was struggling I my arms.

"You're lucky your boyfriend's here or I woulda killed you!"

Max yelled out to Penny. That was it. I placed Penny down carefully and walked over to him. I punched him square in the jaw as hard as I could. He fell down and seemed to be unconscious. That'll teach him.

Penny's P.O.V

I had a smug look on my face, Luke avenged me! My life was complete, well except for the awkward part where Max called Luke my boyfriend. I love Luke- just not like that.

Luke approached me and we walked out of the theater- rather he pulled me out. When we where in the lobby I started to complement Luke
On his punching style. Where we live, you gotta learn how to fight to survive, and Luke is gonna be around for a while by the looks of it.

"We should probably leave now, ya know, before the cops come."

Luke said to me.
"To late."

I heard sirens coming from the distance. Two police officers stormed through the door.

They walked up to the person in charge of the tickets. They exchanged a few words and then the guy pointed toward Luke and I.

They walked towards us and the tall one started talking.

"You two, come with us."

"Are we in trouble?"

Luke worriedly asked.

"Not yet."

The fat police officer said. They led us outside to a police car. We got inside and drove away.

When we got to the police department they didn't put us in a cell, we just say down in the lobby and waited.

"What do you think is gonna happen to us?"
I asked Luke.

"They're probably gonna call my dad and Rick to pick us up."

"No, no no, no, no!"

"What, what, what, what, what?"

"Rick grounded me and I snuck out, now he'll know in gone and he'll kill me!"

At that very moment Rick walked through the door. With Dale, you can't forget Dale.


Sorry for another short chapter; and another cliff hanger. The next chapter will be out some time tomorrow.
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