Chapter 2

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"Hey Holly!"
I shouted as Holly emerged from her house.
"Hi Penny."

Holly was wearing her usual outfit, a black plaid skirt and a purple long sleeved shirt. She dressed and acted completely opposite from me. No where near as extreme as Rick and Dale... but still pretty extreme. She was shy and humble, I was loud and tough. We made for great friends though. We walked to school toether, discussing classes, tests, grades(Holly is like a scholar, she gets straight A+s. I get straight Ds)

When we approached the school grounds, someone came for behind us and pushed Holly over.

"What do you-"

I was about to kill this person, but then when I turned around I saw it was just Dominique. Dominique is in our little gang. Even though she's 17 when I'm only 15 and Holly's 14. Dominique, well she was a special one. She's violent, tough, and how do I saw this nicely- outgoing. She has black wavy hair that goes up to her shoulders and greenish eyes. She was wearing jean shorts, a purple belly shirt with a leather jacket on top with spikes so hard they could poke your eyes out.

We walked into the school building together, and then separated to go with our grades.

My first class of the day, science. Our teacher Mr. Guptoli taught us about cells. We've been learning about cells since 3rd grade. I think I get it by now.

"Alright class, you will be given a project to work on."

A course of moans and groans echoed through the class room.

"I have assigned you partners to work with.
Jasmine- Tim
Logan- Patricia
Katy- Megan-"

He just kept reading down the list. I couldn't stand it. Everyone in my class annoyed the crap out of me. I just hope I'm not paired up with-

"Penny, you'll be with Max."

Max. I hope I'm not paired up with Max. I hate Max, he hates me. It's been like that since 7th grade when he asked me to be his girlfriend so I spit in his face.

"Get with your groups!"

I sat and waited for Max to come to me. He sat and waited for me to come to him. I could keep this up all day, I gave him a cold glare, he returned it. Finally he got up and came to me. Victory is sweet!


Max grumbled.

"Do you know the information?"

"Of course i do, I'm not stupid, Nucleus is the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria protects the pant cell, blah blah blah."

Max rolled his eyes.

"Wrong! Mr. Guptoli! My partners dumb I want a new one!"

He screamed over the whole classroom. Everyone started laughing at me. I hated it. I punched Max right in the nose. Which started bleeding,which got me sent to the principals office, which got me suspended. I don't really care though, I got my vengeance and that's all that matters. Now all that's left to do is tell Rick what happened. And I know that won't be easy.

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