Maverine's Newest Music Video Released

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On Feb. 28, Maverine Michael has released her music video called "Losing You All Over Again." Her film archives came from 1974 to 1994.

Her first clip was having fun in 1976 without Bob Lurtsema and Dave Osborn. Brent McClanahan and Ahmad Rashad was in this clip.

When the music starts, it goes like this for every numbers.
1. Maverine and Milt Sunde in 1974.
2. Maverine, Bill Brown and Marla Medders in 1974.
3. Maverine and Grady Alderman in 1974.
4. Maverine and Fred Cox in 1977.
5. Maverine has a poster of Queen the band in 1977.
6. Maverine with Sammy White and Nate Wright in 1976.
7. Maverine and Marla at the dressing room in 1976.
8. Maverine and Mark Mullaney were dancing in 1977.
9. Maverine teaches Robert Miller and Jeff Siemon a lesson in 1977.
10. Maverine with Roy Winston in 1976.
11. Maverine (in bathing suit) hangs with Wally Hilgenberg and Paul Krause (both shirtless) in 1976 at Maverine's home.
12. Maverine and Doug Sutherland had their birthdays in 1977.
13. Maverine teaches Ron Yary, Ed White and Mick Tingelhoff a lesson in 1976.
14. Maverine and Bud Grant in 1979.
15. Maverine and Marla with Larry Cole in 1979.
16. Maverine and Marla with Meadowlark Lemon and Curly Neal in 1978.
17. Maverine and Paul were all cuddle up after he had his next to last interception in 1979.
18. Maverine and Dennis Swilley performs in 1979.
19. Maverine and Steve Riley performs in 1979.
20. Maverine smack dabs Matt Blair and Fred McNeill in 1976.
21. Maverine dances with Bob Grim and Bob Lee in 1977.
22. Maverine dances with Stu Voigt in 1979.
23. Maverine with Buddy Ryan in 1976.
24. Maverine and Marla with Keith Fahnhorst in 1980.
25. Maverine with Mick and Monte Kiffin in 1986.
26. Maverine with Ed and Billy Ray Smith Jr. in 1985.
27. Maverine with Ed Marinaro in 1974.
28. Maverine and Wally in 1979.
29. Maverine, Mick and Marla in 1976.
30. Maverine and Marla with Larry Boone in 1989.
31. Maverine and Paul at her sister Patty's funeral in 1994.
32. Maverine and Marla were still partners in 1979.

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