Marla Has Coronavirus; Maverine's "SKOLOL" Story

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On Oct. 2, Marla confirms she has Coronavirus and spent three days in the hospital and was released on Oct. 5. She said she is doing fine. Her husband Kyle said that Marla went to Montana two months ago to see her great-grandson.

On that very same day, Maverine was on "SKOLOL" story about 1979 training camp. Here's what Maverine had to say after Fran Tarkenton said about 1975 training camp, "Right before training camp, Wally Hilgenberg was at my house praying for safety issues before and he and his wife Mary had their third daughter Kristin Renee. I escorted them on the first day of training camp, I was holding Kristi, while the other three, Angie, Amy and Eric, who was six years old at the time were also with them at this time. Wally told his teammates about Kristi's birth, and the guys were in awe. I told Mary to keep the eyes on Wally, and she did. That's when Fran and Mick were retired, Alan went to Chicago and Carl went to Seattle, only Wally and Paul Krause were staying. They were Iowa teammates in the early 60s. Paul was drafted for the Redskins, and Wally was drafted for the Lions, both traded to the Vikings in 1968. They spend twelve long years trying to concentrate to other guys like Jim Marshall, who was the last 1930s born player ever to do so.

After the practice was over, Paul said to me, 'Maeve, things kept going my way, I'm going to breaking Emlen's record no matter what.' So he did break Emlen's record in which Paul had 81, but Emlen had 79. Against the Rams, before the time was over in the second quarter, Paul intercepts for the first time, and I cheer very good, and I said, 'This one's for Emlen, baby.'  In the fourth quarter, Paul intercepts one last time, I was running through the sidelines, Paul was at the Rams sideline, throws the ball, and he carries me and I said the same thing, thought I was looking at the clouds. But the Vikings lost to the Rams, Nolan Cromwell gave me a big hug, and it was over.

On Jim Marshall's birthday Dec. 30, I saw Mark Mullaney kissing ladies, one of them is his future wife Lynette. I cheated on Mark, we started to fight, but the four other Vikings players grabs us to stop the fight, but I had a serious breathing problem and I collapsed. Six days later, I finally got awake from coma, Paul, Wally, Mary and Kristi were there at the hospital, even Bud Grant and my sister Patty. I was released that same day, and the few months later, Wally and Paul retired, but they were good buddies until Wally died, and I was devastating. Paul was in the Hall of Fame, and Wally is not. A lifelong story of Wally, Paul and myself became elusive and very sweet it is."

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