Marla on Fred Dean

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Marla has finally recovered from the virus, but a close friend who was the 49ers defensive lineman was Fred Dean has died of Coronavirus on Oct. 14 at age 68. Marla called several teammates of Dean himself and her husband Kyle also chats as well.

Here's how it starts: On Oct. 11, 1981, Marla and her first husband Marty decided to have their first child soon, but Marla met Fred a year earlier. Before the game, Pat Donovan told Marla about Fred who was smoking his Kool cigarettes and she gave Pat the answer. At halftime, Marla asked Keith Fahnhorst how he's doing, all of the sudden, the smoke blazes into Keith and Marla's faces, and it turns out, it was Fred. She ran into him, snatches the Kool cigarettes, tells him to quit, and throws in the garbage. He will not smoke Kool again. The 49ers beats the Cowboys 45-14.

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