𝟞 , big news

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this book is doing so well!! ah!! so grateful!! i love you all!! this is a short (but exciting!!!) one, comment y'all's reactions ;)
569 words

♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥

the pair flashed back into julies garage, both out of breath as if they had ran there.

your hands fell to rest on your knees, and you spoke through your heavy breaths, "you don't really think he heard me, right?"

luke tried to catch his own breath, a hand digging through his hair, "no way, there's no way he did."

the pair had froze right when bobbie had came back into the room, the second had felt like hours. but in the blink of an eye, both teens had immediately poofed out. it was a quick, and weird, encounter, leaving both the teens second guessing everything.

"i-i-i i mean you all are connected to julie," you stuttered as your head began to ache, "what if i'm connected to bobbie?"

lukes face contorted into confusion, that then rose to shock, "oh, crap!" he let out a mix of a groan and a whine, as if you guys needed one more issue.

"you don't think he saw me did you!?!!" you began to panic, your tone raising with every word.

just then, alex came barging into the garage, his face reeking panic. more than usual, for alex anyway. reggie was right on his heels, and julies head was in her hands.

"guys!" alex started rambling like he was on fire, "where have you been? we've been hanging out with julie and just found out some pretty big news-"

"i bet it's nothing like ours." luke sighed, finally standing up straight and breathing normally.

"no, ours is about bobbie-" reggie tried.

"yeah ours too. we think she's connected to him." luke said it deliberately, deciding there really wasn't an easy way to say it, and sent a finger pointing to you.

the three teens took a simultaneous gasp, "what!?"

you nodded, "it's true. i mean it makes sense. we were just there, and i'm pretty sure he heard us." you just got a few blinks in response, so you continued, "and, i mean, it was him who brought me back, when he played our song. which was the song that we crashed to. the song." your head pounded, and you took a seat on the couch behind you, holding your head, "oh my this is all starting to make sense."

luke sat down next to you, putting a hand on your back.

"wait," alex spoke for the first time in minutes, "so she's tied to bobbie like we are to julie, so she can speak to him?"

luke looked up, nodding, "we don't know for sure, but that's what we're banking on right now... yeah."

alex turned his head over to reggie, sharing a knowing glance, "that could help." the boy meant to mutter his words, but everyone heard them.

"help with what?" you said, still rubbing you're temples, but you raised your head suddenly, "wait, what was your news about bobbie?"

luke looked away from you and towards the boys too, and you shared a look of confusion.

julie nervously laughed, "well, um, we all kind of just figured out that you all might have known my mom... ya know... before you died."

there was a moment of processing, but then it was you and luke's turn to speak perfectly in sync,

"excuse me?"

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now