extra, "can we do it again?"

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anyone have any ideas of another alternate plot i could do? it was fun sharing my other ideas with yall.... ANYWAY!! PART TWO!!
i also would want to do more extras with bobbie, because i like writing for his character. gimme ideasssssssss...
& no shonafla i did not forget your ideas for this imagine, so enjoy!! :))

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"the carnival?" you smirked over to luke as his car drove up and parked right in front of the big ferris wheel.

he gleamed over at you, "yeah?"

"yeah!" you said, squealing and jumping out of the car. he got the door for you and held your hand all the way over to the popcorn.

you laughed as he tried to hit the button that would send the clown down into the pool of water, but the ball always missed by an inch.

one time, the ball hit the button, and the clown flinched. but didn't move an inch.

your laugh overpowered the clowns obnoxious one. luke glared at you.

"show me how it's done." he handed the last ball to you, and you smirked.


you threw the ball as hard as you could, and it hit the button head on and you gasped as the poor man got soaked immediately.

"no fair!" luke whined, "looks like i took a pro to the carnival."

you smiled, walking over to him, "looks like it." you sent a peck to his cheek, which turned red, but you pretended not to notice. his hand slipped into yours and you walked to the next ride.

"ferris wheel?" he held two tickets in his hand, pushing them apart between his fingers. you nodded, though your hands shook slightly. you hoped he wouldn't notice.

the man latched you two into the seat, and luke put his arm behind you on the back of the seat. it jolted to a start and you climbed up to the top slowly.

the view was gorgeous. soon, his car turned into a speck and the people running around down below became like ants. the sun was just setting, so a purple pink sky sat before you like water color.

but, your hands were still sweaty.

luke eyed you as you wiped your hands on your jean shorts for the third time, and he took one in his hand.

"are you afraid of heights?" he smiled kindly, and you blushed.

"maybe." you muttered.

he only smiled more, and let you rest on his chest, letting you feel his heart beat for the rest of the ride, and the sky became more purple than pink as your heartbeat settled.

you bit into your pretzel and giggled as two little kids ran right in front of you, racing each other to the spinning tea cups.

"what do you want to do next?" he asked you, finishing his coke with a few slurps.

your eyes gleamed as they caught something, and you smirked over at luke. he gave you a questioning look, but you only grabbed his hand and let him over to what had caught your attention.

"win this stuffed bear for the lady?" the man behind the ring toss concession stand asked luke, but you shook your head.

"we're breaking social norms today, sir." you said as you grabbed the four rings from his fingers and exchanged it for two tickets.

"yes ma'am." he said impressed, raising a brow. luke just laughed.

you got all four rings in the first row of cones, earning you the biggest stuffed bear in the stand. you smirked again, "told ya. pro."

"here you go, miss." the man said, tying a nice purple bow around the animals neck.

you thanked the man, and turned to luke, "here you go, miss." you mocked, and pushed the bear into his arms.

his bottom lip puffed out, and his eyes seemed to droop.

"thank you." he said kindly, patting the bears fur and looking at you fondly. it was his turn to peck your cheek, and you rested your head on his shoulder as you walked away.

both your car doors slammed shut, and he glanced over to you.


"what'd you think?"

"of tonight?"

he nodded.

you paused, "when can we do it again?"

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now