The Ending He Deserved

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Lance meeting my mother was probably one of the scariest points of my life. Other than telling her I wasn't a girl. Okay maybe I'm overreacting, but whatever. Eventually she warmed up to him, and I was eternally grateful that she did. I love both of them, but I couldn't stand to lose him.


"I don't hate your companion."

"What?" I looked at her confused. 

"Your companion, Lance. I don't hate him. I saw how he fought and defended you today. I deem him worthy of your heart. I was only weary at first because I didn't know if I could trust him to not harm you-"

"I would never. Thank you for giving us your blessing to be in a relationship, but frankly we don't need it. I would've continued to love your son with all of my being, even if you didn't 'deem me worthy.' But I love him, and I know how much you mean to him, so thank you," Lance finishes off, leaving me utterly speechless.

"You're a good person, Lance. Treat him right." I watched as my boyfriend and mother shook hands, my own clasped around my mouth, tears pouring out of my eyes.

*End flashback*

After the Blade of Marmora I moved back and got used to life at the castle again. Lance told me about his family, it was emotional for him, but I was there to lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on.


"My mother was an amazing woman." I looked up at Lance, startled by the sudden statement. "Yeah?"

"I would've loved for you to meet her. And my siblings and nieces and nephews. They would have adored you." My cheeks flush slightly, happy that he thinks so.

"I can still meet them. We're going back to earth sometime. You're going to see your family again Lance," he doesn't respond or look up, but I know he's listening. "Wanna tell me about them?"

He smiles gently, tears building up in the corners of his eyes. "I would love to."

*End flashback*

I finally opened up to him about my past. It was difficult to say the least, being so vulnerable in front of the person who has my heart. But it was okay, because Lance didn't judge me about anything. He was supportive and angry about what I'd been through, especially at such a young age. Though, I suppose that's why I love him so much.


I thought I was passed this. It's been so long, I thought I had finally won. But no, of course not. I shouldn't have been so naive to think that I would win the everlasting battle with myself.

Lance had come to talk to me on a particularly bad day, he could sense something was wrong. He reached up to wipe his hair out of his face and on instinct I flinched, eyes shutting tight and arms flying up to cover my face.

That's how my panic attack started, it's also how I ended up on the bathroom floor crying while my boyfriend knocked on the door.

"Please Keith, please. I won't hurt you, I promise. I love you so much. I would never dare hurt you. Please let me in. I just want to make sure you're alright." His request wasn't met, but he just kept on.

Eventually I started to get dizzy, my labored breath making me feel lightheaded. I don't remember unlocking the door, but somehow Lance managed to get in.

He fell to his knees, holding me close after making sure it was alright for him to touch me. He helped me through that panic attack, not the first and surely not the last.

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