His Journal

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Lance made his way over to the kitchen, knowing Hunk would be there, with Keith's sketchbook. He wanted to wait until he was with Hunk to open the book so that's what he did. The blue eyed boys suspicions were confirmed when he walked into the kitchen met with a happy looking Hunk.

"Hey buddy," Lance said softly as to not scare the taller boy. "Hey Lance, whatchya got there?" Hunk said looking up from the concoction he was making. "Oh y'know.... Keith's journal..." Lance said with a smirk. "Lance that's not very nice, where'd you even get it?" He asked worriedly. "Not important, anyway I wanted to just skim through it with you soooo.... come here!" Lance exclaimed excited.

"Lance I don't think that's a good idea, you should be snooping through Keith's or anyone's things," Hunk said. "Come on Hunk," Lance whined, "please?" Lances pleas we're not heard from the other male and he just shook his head and continued his process. "Well I'm still gonna go through it," Lance huffed out.

Lance went to one of the many stools next to the area where Hunk was working and plopped down. He was really excited to see what kind of embarrassing things would lie ahead.

Lance flipped the cover over to the next page, he was met with the most beautifully detailed rose drawing. The drawing looked incredible and Lance couldn't help but the shock the took over his face. He flipped to the next page to see an amazing drawing of all five of the lions together with Black in the front and the others surrounding him.

He flipped and flipped through the pages shocked and dumbfounded of all the wonderfully detailed sketches. One page in particular caught Lances eye. He blushed a deep red as he looked back up at Hunk.

On that page was a drawing of Lance smiling widely. It had a beautiful star filled background. The sketch of the Cuban boy looked like it was done effortlessly but not at the same time. It was detailed and precise, getting all the right features added. But the thing that made Lances heart skip a beat was the fact that instead of freckles on the face, there were stars. Beautiful, twinkling, stars.

"Hunk..." Lance said stunned. "Mhm," Hunk responded not looking up. "He- He drew me..." Lance said in a breathless tone. Hunk looked at his blushing friend and smirked. "Why so red Lance?" Hunk teased. "Oh shut up!" Lance quipped.

He showed Hunk the drawing and instantly the other boys face changed. He was shocked to say the least. "T-that's amazing! It's so cool!" He choked out. "I know! And it's of me! Keith Kogane, THE Keith Kogane... drew... me," Lance blushed.

After Lance had calmed down and so had his blushing he skimmed through the rest of the book. He was still surprised by the raven-haired boys talent. After a few minutes lance turned  to Hunk and said,"I'm gonna go return this back to where I found it before he kills me, bye Hunk!" Lance skipped out giddily.

*With Keith, Keith POV*

I had left from talking to Pidge to go take a bath and take off my suffocating binder. I grabbed my towel and necessities before stalking off into the bathroom. Once I walked in I turned on the warm bath water and let in stream down.

Once it was half way done I filled in with lavender scented bubbles and started stripping. I looked at myself in the mirror in just my boxers and binder. How much I hated this body. I hated my curvy figure. I hated my short statue. I hated my body dysmorphia. I shook my head in realization that I had to turn off the heated tab water. I took off the rest of my clothing and hurriedly jumped into the bath.

I felt really comfortable. Like nothing could hurt me. I stayed in the bath for a while just liking the warmth and comfort it provided. I washed myself and hopped out of the bath. I pulled a towel over my body and went to my clothing.

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