He's perfect

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"What?" Shiro asked me. "I'm transgender," I replied fast. "Oh," he said obviously in shock. "I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore or be my older brother but I just- I don't know I had to tell you!" I said all at once looking down. I glanced back up at him to see Shiro in shock but he also looked...upset?

"That's not a reason for me to ever stop talking to you or be your older brother, you're still Keith, my little brother, I will always be here to support you no matter what." I looked at Shiro in shock and pure happiness. I jumped at him wrapping him in a big bear hug.

"Thank you," I breathed out. "I saw Pidge leave, I should go before they get back from the bathroom," Shiro said after a few long seconds. "Okay," I said releasing him. Shiro waved saying a goodbye and left. Pidge walked half a minute later. We got settled and put on A Dogs Journey.

After the movie was over we were both in tears full on sobbing. "That...was so...sad," I said between my tears. "Mhm," Pidge mumbled out, in worse condition then me. "Ice cream... we need... ice cream," I said getting up. Pidge nodded so I helped them up and we were on our way.

We were in the kitchen, sitting on the countertop crying. Our tears turned into sniffles or the occasional hiccup. We started talking about my favorite topic, Lance. "I don't know why I like him okay!" I replied to Pidge's question.

"Well you have to have some answer as to why you like him!" She replied back laughing at me. "I don't know, I guess it's because, don't laugh at me! But I guess it's because of the gentleness that's held under the playboy act. He's so sweet, and his voice is just perfect.

And his laugh is like music to my ears. His touch is always soft and caring. The way he handles children is so amazing and just adorable. Not to mention the fact that he's literally gorgeous! And when he heard me singing drawing in my sketc- crap!" I jumped off of the counter top and started running out the door screaming an, "I'll me back!" at Pidge.

I ran and ran until I made it to the observatory where I last left my sketchbook. I speed walked inside trying to catch my breathe and started frantically looking for my journal. I saw it in the spot I was last time and breathed out a heavy sigh. "Thank god," I mumbled. I'd die a sad death if anyone were to find my drawings.

I flip to my favorite drawing. It's my drawing of Lance. He's adorable. I start walking back to the kitchen just flipping through the pages. As I was criticizing my old drawings I started to absentmindedly softly sing.

I see the kitchen and just continue to hum the rest of the song. I trudge into the kitchen to see Pidge still on the counter, eating ice cream, with a confused look on their face. "Hey, gremlin," I say in my most nonchalant voice. "Where'd you go?!" They ask me still obviously really confused. "I'll explain in your room, my binder is killing me and I need to wash it," I say grabbing our stuff and heading to my room with Pidge next to me.

We got to my room and I explained what happened, after taking off my binder and washing it. "Oh my god this is gold, can you imagine how red he would be if he found that drawing of him!" Pidge exclaimed, high off of their own happiness. "It's really, really good though! I can't believe you didn't tell me you could draw!" They said looking through my sketchbook.

"I really can't, I just doodle, I know I'm not great or anything but-"I tried to say but was cut off by Pidge saying, " 'not great?!' Dude you're amazing!" They said. We talked for a while, watched more episodes of Ouran, played games, ate, karaoke, ate more. All in all it was a really good night. At around 1 am we ended up passing out, cuddling like the best friends we are.

The next morning we got up and ready, then left for breakfast. We walked in giggling softly at a joke I made about space dad. "Hey guys," when Pidge and looked up we saw a mountain of pancakes with a happy looking Hunk next to them.

God bless this man, "Yes, food!" Pidge and I both yelled at the same time. We laughed really hard and ended up on the floor wheezing. Pidge and I kept on looking at each other, making us laugh harder. One of us would say something stupid that would send the other into another spiral of silly laughter.

That's why 3 minutes later we're still on the floor. Allura, Coran, Shiro, and Lance all walked in to see Pidge and I holding our stomachs, crying because of how hard we were laughing. "...I'm not even gonna ask," Shiro said walking over us, making us laugh even harder.

"Alright get up," our resident sharpshooter held out his hand for me to get up which I gladly excepted. Meanwhile Coran helped up Pidge. I looked Lance in the eyes and said,"thanks," in my most softest tone.

I'm pretty sure a saw a small tint of pink place itself on his cheeks but it's probably just the lighting. We all made our way to the dining room table and thanked Hunk for the food then dug in. After eating, we went to the training deck to train.

Training today was a bit hard because of my binder but it's okay, I'll manage. I walked off into my room to go get my stuff for a shower.

After I gathered all my necessities, I stalked off to the bathroom. I did my usual routine of turning on the shower, stripping, taking said shower, getting out, getting changed, and making my way back to my room to sleep. Once I was in my room I went to my bed and immediately sunk into my fluffy blankets and stuffies. I fell asleep with my blue lion stuffie, thinking if it's beautiful paladin.

I woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare of one of my previous foster homes. I immediately took my stuffie and made a sprint to Red, not even bothering to put on a binder.

When I got there she helped calm me down and stop my crying. Red gave me advise and I sung to her. I love my lion so much.
"I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect tonight,
I don't deserve this, darling you look perfect tonight."
I finish my song and look up at Red. "Thanks girl, I appreciate the talk. I'm gonna go back to my room to sleep," I jump off of Red and make my way to my room. 'I can't think about them, they're in the past.' 'He's in past.' 'What they did to me was years ago, I have a family now.'


I stumble back as I feel myself hit something sturdy. I look up to see Lance, with a towel hanging around his neck. "Hey mullet," Lance waves. I become a stuttering mess trying to find something to say as a dark blush creeps it's way from my neck coating my cheeks and ears.

'I'm not wearing a binder...' as soon as I think that I move my arms to cover my chest. "H-hey Lance," I stutter out. Lance looks at me with a soft smile, there's definitely blush on his face. "Whatchya doing up so late dummy?" Lance asked me in a joking manner.

"N-nothing, just couldn't sleep," I responding shifting my feet, discomfort in my body language. "Hey, are you alright?" Lance asked me clearly concerned. "...yeah, I'm fine," I respond putting my head down. I feel Lance's fingers under my chin gliding my face to look up at him, since he's taller. I blush madly as I stare into his eyes.

"What's wrong, Keith?" Lance asks me sternly. I just shake my head and hesitantly move my arms. "I-...I'm not wearing a binder and I really don't like it when people see my chest, I'm sorry..." I say shyly, looking anywhere but him. He lets my face go and says,"Oh! That's okay, you don't need to feel uncomfortable around me but if wearing your binder makes you feel better you can do that to! Nor do you need to apologize, by the way. Just know that if you ever come to me without a binder on I'll still respect you all the same! Okay?" He responded cheerfully with a smile that made me melt.

"Thank you Lance," I said with a light blush. "Okay well good night Keithy boy." And with that the shirtless, beautiful, Lance McClain was off.

I left to my room with a million thoughts running through my mind, but one in particular stayed on my mind.

Yeah... he's perfect.

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