Hidden helper

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// Before I forget... @sadidiotrighthere you guessed it... onto the story!!!//

Mono held Seven's body in his arms gently. "Seven... you always found an interest finding me huh?"

Seven hummed slightly and clung to Mono's jacket. Mono smiled softly at the small childlike gesture, and pulled off the bag from his head.

Mono nuzzled his face into Seven's hair hugging his smaller form tightly in his arms. "I missed you more as the days went on... you don't even know."

When Mono pulled away but felt a wet smear on his face. He moved his free hand to touch whatever was on his face, but when he pulled away it wasn't what he thought.

His fingers had blood on them. "Seven! What happened to you?!" Mono said as he began to thoroughly scan Seven for injuries.

Mono found one gash on his head and a few bruises and scrapes along his arms. "What trouble have you gotten into now..?" Mono whispered bringing Seven in closer to hug him.

Mono placed Seven softly on the ground and begun to place his bag back on his head when four little nomes appeared. "Hey little guys! I've got some stuff to find for Seven could you watch over him while I'm gone?" They seemed to understand as they all crowded around Seven and sat next to him. "That'll be something to wake up to."

Mono then ran off and jumped up a ladder, ran up a bunch of stairs, and through a little vent. He crawled through and found he was in a bland room. "Well... that was not what I was expecting..." Mono walked around the room and found a few loose floor boards. "Perfect!" He began to jump on them. This, of course, dropped out from under him and he landed hard on the ground. Mono heard someone open a door as he began to pick himself up from the ground.

He dusted himself off and continued to move over to a small vent hole in the wall. Mono tested it and it would immediately close behind him and he wouldn't be able to leave. He grabbed a large enough broken piece of wood and placed it in between the floor of the vent and the door of it.

Mono smiled at his work and crawled through. He popped his head up and noticed a bunch of fabric on the ground. 'This'll be perfect for bandages.' Mono thought as he began to rip long strips from the sheet and stuff them into his pockets.

"Ahem..." Mono froze. He looked behind him and saw the janitor. He gasped as he had a stance to run in case the janitor lunged for him. "What are you doing here little child..?"

Mono then realized he didn't know it was him, but he had a feeling that he would remember the sound of his voice.

"Um... I don't know..." Mono whispered grabbing the pile of cloth he had on the ground and inching away.

"That voice... sounds... familiar." The janitor growled.

'Great...' Mono's mind grumbled.

"You sound like someone... who should be dead..." Mono started freaking out.

"Um... no, no, I'm not... I'm someone entirely different!" Mono said trying to convince the janitor.

"How would you know what I'm talking about. I wouldn't have told a child unless they were about to be taken!"

Mono mentally slapped himself. 'Good going Mono! Now he knows it's you!' "Uh... what if I just go and we forget about this and I leave?" Mono said slowly inching towards a large plank of wood.

"I'm going to kill you myself since those stupid chefs can't do it!" The janitor shouted.

Mono grabbed the plank and swung it at the janitor. He let out a loud screech. "You little rat!"

Mono slid into the hole and hastily crawled for the vent. He made it through hand took the piece of wood out from the vent. Mono took a second to catch his breath before getting out of that place entirely.

He climbed carefully down the ladder and found the little nomes and Seven were still there. "Sorry for the wait. I ran into... trouble." Mono said unstuffing his coat of all the strips of cloth.

Mono gently dabbed away at the blood in Seven's hair and the gash. Mono smiled at the memory of first meeting Seven. He had kept him alive and helped him heal... he guessed it was time to return the favor.

Once Mono was done Seven started to stir. Mono didn't want him to be in anymore danger so he thought it would be best if he just left him alone... even though his heart thought differently...

Mono stood up and ran for a door furthest away from where Seven and the little nomes. 'I would say that I hope to see him again... but I don't know if it's safe for him to be around me...'

Mono ran to passed the little nomes and into a small room with a switch. He pulled it hoping to go up using the small elevator. The door opened but one of the fuses was dead and the other was still alright. "Seven is most likely going to be needing that to get out of here... maybe I could help him and he wouldn't even have to see me." Mono whispered to himself. He smiled, his mind made up. He was going to help Seven without having him see him.

It was going to work!



Seven woke up to a little nome in his face. Seven jolted up and they jumped back as well. Seven laughed quietly. "Sorry for scaring you little guys."

The nomes chittered in understanding and started pointing to him. Seven was confused and went to scratch his head when he felt the bandages around his head. "Did you guys do this?" The little nomes chittered and chirped trying to explain something, but Seven didn't understand.

"I'm guessing it was you guys. So thank you."

The nomes looked at each other and started pointing to the door furthest away from them. Seven started to understand their pointing. "You want me to go there?" The nomes nodded.

"Alright. Let me open up the furnace for you first." Seven pulled the lever and began to make his way to the door that the nomes pointed to.

"I wonder what could be so important beyond this door..." Seven said not really knowing he was going to meet an old friend.


Whoop dee do I have completed another chapter!!

I was laughing more through this one not gonna lie... why you may ask..? Well... during my favorite YouTuber's playthrough of Little Nightmares he called the janitor "the lanky dude" and it was so funny to me... so me and my friend call him the lanky dude instead of the janitor and everytime I write it I just laugh a little... but yeah... take a guess who my favorite YouTuber is...

But thank you all for the positive feedback it helps me continue on with the story!!

See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,183

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