Lost in memories

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Seven woke up first.

He had a huge headache. Seven groaned and placed a hand to his head.

He felt something soft underneath him and looked down.

He saw Mono, his eyes closed and a few tufts of hair covering his face.

Seven gasped and crawled off of him. "Mono? Mono! Are you alright?!"

Mono hummed but didn't open his eyes. Seven sighed with relief... at least he was alive.

Seven dragged Mono under a table where he would be safe.

Seven huddled down next to Mono and laid his head on Mono's shoulder. "It's okay... it's alright... you're still here... and I... am... too."



Seven turned away from the voice.

"Did you just ignore me?!

Seven groaned and hugged tighter to Mono.

"Huh... you are really clingy."

Seven finally sat up groggily and opened his eyes.

He froze when he saw a girl in a yellow rain coat. She looked at him with an amount of sass that made her sound familiar to something Mono said.

"Move away from him." She said.

Seven gasped and growled at the girl moving closer to Mono.

The girl looked at Seven with a startled look, but growled back at him.

"Get out of my way!" She shouted.

"No! Who are you?!" Seven shouted back.

"Why do you need to know..." She said, her voice dangerous and low.

"Because I'm scared!" Seven cried.

The girl paused.

"I don't want to lose him anymore! He's already died in my arms! I barely got him back... and I will NOT let you take him from me!"

The girl moved to sit down. "If you know him well enough then you should know me... my name is Six."



Mono woke up with a gasp.

"Where am I?!" He cried.

Six moved in front of Mono trying to calm him down.

"Hey! Hey! It's alright. We're about to enter the Pale City.

Mono jumped a little. "What?! I- I- no... no, I was just on the Maw... I was just with Seven."

"Yeah, no, I'm Six. And this is the Pale City."

This was something that Mono did not understand. Not yet..

There was suddenly a bright flash and Mono was by the broken elevator.

"What! We were just entering the Pale City! Now we're in the middle of it?! What is happening..?"

"Did you hit you head Mono? We've been going through this place for over three hours." Six said placing her hands on hips.

"But I was... we were..."

"Mono, I get it you're having dreams about your dream boy, Seven, but he's not real and we need to get out of here alive... so pull yourself together and let's get out of here!"

Once again another flash...

Now Mono was on a train. "Oh great, not this again..."

Mono ran for his life, running from himself... well that is weird to say... and when he finally made it to the car that would break off he used his powers to push the Thin Man back.

"You aren't supposed to do that yet..." He said moving to smooth out his suit.

"I've broken the loop! I have no idea what I'm doing back here! I left... I was with a boy for weeks... that can't have all been a dream."

"Now, I don't remember that. What are you talking about?" The Thin Man inquired.

"I have broken the loop and left the Pale City with Six. She pulled me up... I didn't fall." Mono said speaking quickly in case he was blasted forwards in time again. "I was just on a boat-like place called the Maw and I met a boy there. His name was Seven, and he was the nicest person I've... We've? Ever met."

"So, I'm in love with this boy?" The Thin Man asked with a smirk.

Mono turned a bright red under his paper bag. "Wha- no!.. maybe..."

"So then what are you doing here?"

Mono stopped for a moment. "I have no idea..."

There was a flash once more... and Mono was back at the collapsing bridge in the Signal Tower.

'No... not again...' Mono thought silently to himself.

Mono ran as fast as he could while the bridge continued to deteriorate around him. 'Please pull me up! Please!'

Mono saw Six reach her hand out to him as he jumped...

He took a leap of faith like he did every single time and he hoped this was the one loop that he would break again.

Six grabbed Mono and was about to pull him up when she stopped suddenly. 'No...'

"This has to be a dream... please Six! Pull me up!" Mono screamed.

"Your eyes... They look just like his..." Six mumbled.

"No! I'm not him please Six!" Mono cried as tears started streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry Mono... You're too dangerous to be near me." Six said letting Mono fall into the abyss once more.


"So, you've been with him... how long?" Six asked.

"Maybe three weeks..? I don't know, but it did take him four weeks to fully heal when I first met him. He was practically dead when I saw him." Seven answered as best he could, fidgeting with his sleeve.

Six nodded. "Yeah, makes sense. We fell from a pretty high height. I was the lucky one that fell in the suitcase."

"I'd think you would be."

They were both torn from their conversation when they heard a small stifled whimper.

Seven moved over quickly to Mono bringing him in a soft but reassuring embrace. "It's alright. I'm still here."

Six looked at him like he just said something in a foreign language. "What did you say to him?"

"He needs to know I'm there." Seven countered.

"Ha, yeah right. He was perfectly fine when I met him." Six said leaning back on the leg of the table.

Seven had just about enough of her snarkiness. "Listen, you have no idea what he's been through! Have you ever thought of what happened before you met him. He's lost and scared... he can't be without someone for too long. He can't stand the dark or the thought of being left alone, and nomes forbid a combination of the two! You don't know the first thing about him... what makes you think you know now..?"

Six took a second to respond.

"I don't know..."


Yay... I finished this chapter on time!!

I've been trying to get a chapter out everyday... but that put me on a mental drain and gave me writer's block so this was more towards what I know and a few other things that would be easier to remember...

I have written most of this on my computer and so somethings may be misspelled... just thought I'd throw that in there...

Anyways... thanks for reading! See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,142

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