Over power

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//TW: bit o blood and some dark themes//

Mono snuck quietly through the hallways and slowly slid a door open.

He scanned the room and it seemed luck was on his side for the time being as he saw a bucket filled with water.

'Perfect!' Mono thought happily.

He started to drag the bucket out of the room when one of the guests decided to wake up and look around.

Mono quickly ducked behind the bucket and made himself as small as he could.

"Who is creeping through this room?" He said lowly.

Mono placed a hand over his mouth to keep himself from making any noise as he listened closely if the guest would get up.

"Perhaps... not." The guest yawned and laid back down immediately going into a deep sleep.

Mono felt himself relax as he heard the loud snoring of the fat person and became dragging the bucket once again. On his second attempt, he made it out with the bucket still full of water. He made it back to where Seven was hiding and called out to him

"Hey Sev! I'm back and I got us some water! Our luck might be turning!" Mono called.

There was no response and the immediately made Mono's mind panic.

"Seven? Seven? You there?"

Mono looked around and found that Seven wasn't where he'd last left him. Mono then felt it.

The same magic as the geisha. 'She must be here... she might've found Seven!' Mono began to sneak around and look for Seven and possibly the geisha.

But all thoughts of one threat turned to another when he heard an all to familiar voice. "Mono~ Where are you Mono?"

Six had returned and most likely had Seven in her grasps. Mono growled keeping low to the ground to hopefully see her before she saw him.

"Mono~" Six sing-songed. "I have your precious little Seven. "Why doesn't he say hello to you?"

Just the Seven cried out. "Mono! Run! Just leave me! She wants you! She wa-" Seven was cut off.

"That's just about enough out of you. Mono, you want him back don't you? Then come and take him from me!" Six shouted she let out a little giggle and hummed her tune to herself.

Mono spotted them both. Seven was bound to the the leg of a different table with magic completely limp and Six was skipping around happily having already thought that she had won.

Mono watched as anger started to fester inside of him his powers starting to spark and flicker. He knew he needed to calm down or he ran the risk of being caught.

Mono then got an idea. He backed away from his current hiding spot and ran towards a place where he could hide an use his powers freely.

"What is this to you?!" Mono shouted out to Six. "A sadistic game?!"

"No my dear Mono! It is simply proving something that should've been evident from the beginning. If I have to kill Seven... then so be it."

"You touch him I will erase you from existence! No one will remember you only I will know that you ever existed!" Mono called.

Six tried to listen to try and find where Mono could be but he sounded like he was coming from everywhere. She could hear him running around but it echoed as if he was in a cave.

Six eventually got upset at Mono's antics. "Enough!"

All obstacles were evaporated and Mono was thrown back.

"There you are..." Six said with a less than amused voice.

She walked over to Seven with Mono watching her closely. "Watch... closely~" Six grabbed Seven's face in her hand. "What if I just snap his pretty little neck?"

Mono gasped and in a swift motion of absolute fear he swept his hand to the left of him and sent Six into a wall.

Mono then picked her up and threw her behind him. Six let out a high pitch scream then fell with a sickening thud.

Mono tried to calm his breathing slightly before he ran towards Seven. He held him gently in his arms and placed his head on Seven's chest.

He heard the soft beat of his heart and felt relief wash over him.

"No! I'm the one you're supposed to be with!" Six screamed, her powers swirling around her.

"I was never meant to be with you! Just leave us alone!"

"Us..?" Six asked. "Y-you and Seven?"

Mono didn't respond. He only set Seven down and stood up to protect him. "This time... I won't go easy on you. I tried to give you another chance, but you wouldn't take it. You should have left us alone."

"I hate him..."

Mono felt an increase in power around him.

"I hate both of you! If I can't have you... then no one can..."

Six let her power caused a black mist to surround the both of them.

Mono walked forward to grace the mist with an unreadable expression. "This is nothing you know."

"Is that so..?" Six asked using her powers to her max.

"You know nothing of what you can do." Mono said snapping his fingers. Six gasped as in a single moment the black mist disappeared.

"Wh-what did you do to my power?!" Six cried out. "Why isn't it working on you?!"

"Perhaps it has to do with the fact I've had a long time to find out what I can do." Mono said looking at his powers spark and flicker in his hand. "Or maybe it's just the fact I've had time to practice."

With a wave of Mono's hand a dash of his repressed anger towards Six, he was able to move the materials around her and caged her inside the wood and metal. "Now, so that you don't escape or hurt me... or anyone for that matter." Mono snapped his fingers and he saw any type of black mist dissipate. Mono smiled at his accomplishment as his powers still working to cure Six of any source of magic. Slowly though, his anger got the best of him and he started to constrict the materials crushing Six slowly. "You have no idea what I've been through because of you... so now I will make sure that no one gets hurt because of you again!"

Suddenly he heard something from behind him. "M-Mono?"


Thank you guys for reading this and for all the comments on the last chapter even though it was just art... thanks either way tho...

I put in a fnaf reference in there too... so yeah... see if you can find it...

See you soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1,116

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