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//TW: triggering themes//

Mono was weak. He couldn't really help Seven much at the moment.

Seven understood. He knew what it was like to be injured, but Mono was that one patient that wouldn't stand still.

He was always trying to follow Seven. Trying to help him, but Seven would always sit him down next to the the ramp near the furnace and tell him to wait for him to come back for him. And every time when Seven returned, Mono would always be sitting attentive by the door that Seven had entered. Seven would always look angrily at Mono even though they both knew it was just a silly little ploy.

Mono would always smile brightly at Seven when he returned which, in turn, would make Seven smile sweetly back at him.

Seven would always come back with a group of nomes and Mono would smile or laugh at the little things. When Seven eventually turned in for the day he would lean against Mono and tell him stories that Eight would tell him.

Mono learned more about the Maw. The dangers, the safe places, and what names everything had. He learned that the little guys were called nomes and that they were extremely friendly, but wouldn't come around you unless you hugged them.

Mono laughed at his words. Seven stopped and looked at him confused. "What? What's so funny?"

Mono covered his mouth with his hand and answered shortly after. "Because you only knew that because you tried that. Eight never told you that."

Seven huffed. "Maybe she did, Maybe she didn't."

Mono laughed once again. "You're so funny..." Mono yawned leaning heavily on Seven's shoulder. "That's what I love about you..."

Seven felt his heart rate speed up. He loved that about him? Seven smiled snaking his arm around Mono. "I love you too."

Mono hummed not really hearing what Seven said, and Seven was alright with that. Just as long as Mono stayed by his side... Seven didn't care what happened to him, just as Mono was happy...

He would be happy too...


Mono hummed as he started to wake up. He reached for where Seven was and found empty space.

Mono, now completely awake, moved to look around. Tofind Seven. Cursing his injuries for making him hurt as he looked around the confined space.

Mono waited and looked and listened yet he heard no one. Mono's breathing began to pick up.

He remembered being alone. He remembered the pain he felt when he was left for dead. He remembered...

Mono was now hyperventilating, grabbing at his coat like it was constricting him. He pulled and tugged and began to rock back and forth as a way to calm himself... it didn't help him much in any way.

Mono saw the edges of his vision start to go black. He felt hope escape his body.

He was alone.

Six left him... Seven left him... everyone had left him...

What was wrong with him..? Why did everyone abandon him..? What did he do wrong..? Was he really that unlovable..?

Mono felt his whole body start to falter.

He didn't care...

No one cared...

He should have just been left to die all that time ago...

He felt... like he didn't deserve love at all...

And just like that Mono blacked out...


Seven wandered out with another group of nomes and looked around for Mono.

When he didn't see Mono Seven heard warning bells and red flags going off in his head, but he brushed it off. 'Mono was tired... he just needed rest... right?'

Seven tried to shake the undeniable feeling of dread, but couldn't. Seven decided to turn around and go check on Mono.

Seven came around to the place they had set up a tiny camp and stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a particular noise that made his heart stop.

He heard the sound of wheezing. Not the kind where you laugh too hard at a joke... the painful kind that happens when you run out of breath.

Seven rushed over to Mono who was leaning against the wall, but his hair blocked his eyes.

"Mono!" Seven cried rushing to his friend's aid.

Mono's breathing was slowing tremendously scaring Seven to death. He couldn't lose him! Not again!

Seven dragged Mono so he could lay flat on the ground and placed a hand on Mono's chest. The rise and fall of it was too slow. It wasn't enough to keep him alive.

"I wish I didn't have to do it this way..." Seven whispered before bending down and pinching Mono's nose and placing his lips against Mono's.

Seven tried desperately to not think of this as their first kiss... but he would have been lying if he said he didn't think about it a little bit.

Seven gave two breaths before listening for Mono's breathing. When nothing happened, Seven would do it again, and again, and again, and again, until he couldn't anymore. He didn't know what to do...

Seven felt tears fall down his face. "You lied to me!" He screamed. "You lied! You said you wouldn't leave me! But you still did..."

Seven let his tears fall as he continued to yell at Mono. Eventually, Seven had stopped crying and just stared at Mono's face. He felt one more bout of anger swell inside of him as he hit Mono's chest roughly.

Mono gasped and coughed as life returned to his body. Seven, caught off guard by the outburst jumped back before realizing that Mono was, indeed, alive.

Seven tacked Mono in a tight hug. "Please! Stop it with the close calls!"

Mono melted into the hug before pulling away without saying a word.

Seven knew something was wrong and placed a gentle hand on Mono's shoulder. "Mono, is everything alright? You know you can tell me, right?"

Mono wiped away a few stray tears. "Why did you leave me..?"

Seven thought about what he was saying before he realized what he meant. "A few of the nomes took me over to a place to get a few more of their friends. I was coming right back."

Mono looked warily at Seven and hugged him tightly and sobbed. Seven then realized that the mainland was some place dangerous. Mono had trauma from there and he couldn't let go so easily...

Good thing he had Seven at his side.


Told ya I'd get you one today!

I hope you like this chapter. This is the last chapter that they will be in the Hideaway from the DLC. Soon they will move onto the residence and boy... won't that be fun... or... did Six get there already...?

Eh... who knows...

This chapter was hard for me to write tho... I guess along with the, apparent, loop theory, I have also adopted the headcanon that Mono has separation anxiety... whoop dee do ain't that something... -_-

Sorry about that... but this one hurt to write... but I love me some angst so...

Welp... anyways...

See you Soon! Bye!!!

Word count - 1, 178

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