Dangerous Road Part 2

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Harry's POV
Leather or plaid? I held two shirts up in front of me for my date with Emma. Which one would she like better? I mean, she's rebellious so she would probably like the leather but the plaid one compliments my eyes. Damn.

At that moment the door burst open revealing Gil, Jay and Carlos. "Hey dude, whatcha doing?" Jay asked, sitting down on the couch as he watched me examine the two outfits. "Which one?" I asked, turning around and holding both shirts to my chest. "Uh, the leather one is more you" Gil said, pointing towards my black jacket. I nodded and put the plaid one to the side. "But then the plaid one would look good on you too" Carlos pointed out, making me groan in annoyance.

"Anyway, why do you need our opinions?" Jay asked, a puzzled look on his face. "I'm goin' out la'er and I need something tuh wear" I said, taking of my shirt and replacing it with the plaid one. I walked towards the mirror and clipped my necklace around my neck and messed my hair up. "Where you going?" Carlos asked. "None of yer business" I replied, quickly, not taking my eyes away from the mirror.

"Wait a minute" Jay said. I turned away and looked at him. He stood up and walked towards me. "Your going out with that girl from VK class aren't you" he said, a smirk clear on his face. I bit my lips and looked at the floor. "Wha- no I'm not" I stuttered. "Yeah, what was her name? Emma" Carlos said, grinning. Immediately, I felt my cheeks turn pink at the sound of her name.

"Oh my god, you've got a date" Gil said, hugging me. I chuckled slightly and walked towards the door. "It's jus' a date guys" I said, before walking out the door.

Jay's POV
We waited to hear his footsteps to disappear until I spoke. "You snuck condoms into his bag, right?" I asked, Gil. "Yep, while he wasn't paying attention" he said, giggling like a little kid. "Well he's gonna need them, judging my how much flirting was going on in class" Carlos said as we all high-fived.

Emma's POV
I sat my the edge of the lake, my feet dangling in the water as I watched the moon. It was brighter tonight, bigger, like it had chosen to be for my night.

"Ye look absolutely stunning" I heard a voice from behind me, making me immediately stand up and turn around.

Harry was standing there with a big smile on his face, his ocean eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "Thank you" I said, giggling slightly. What was wrong with me? I didn't giggle, giggling was for princesses.

"Ye know yer cute when ye let yer guard down" Harry said, stepping closer to me. I made a puzzled expression and cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?" I asked.

He smiled and bit his lip. "Ye come across as a tough girl with a hard exterior but really yer a wonderful and beautiful women" he smirked.

Now it was my time to bite my lip. "So anyway" he began. "Why did ye decide to come here for our.. date?" He asked, looking around the scenery.

Trees shielded the lake and us as the blue water rippled from the fish swimming in it. The moon illuminated the area, glimmering off of the sparkling water.

"It's just so beautiful" I breathed, sighing dreamily. "I come here sometimes, to clear my head and it really works"

"It's so quiet and peaceful and not many people know about it" I said, smiling up at Harry. "Your the second boy that's come here" I said.

"Second?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows at me. "The first was my dad, and he only came to pick me up" I laughed at his jealous expression. (HSM reference)

He exhaled deeply as his eyes locked with mine. Blue met green. For a split second, I saw things. It started with a kiss but then I saw a... family.

It was at that moment, I shook myself from my thoughts. "Sorry about that" I said, looking down at the ground. "That was... weird" I said, shaking my head as I continued to stare down at my feet.

I felt a finger touch my chin and bring it up. Blue eyes met green again and he brought our faces inches apart. "If that was weird.." Harry whispered.

"Just wait for this" he continued, pressing his lips against mine as his hands tangled with my hair. I felt a zap of shock but it soon became relief and happiness.

I rested my hand on his shoulder as he rested his on the small of my back. Our lips moved in sync before we broke apart, pressing our foreheads together.

"Wow" I breathed, staring into his eyes. "Wow, indeed" he said, as dreamily as I had. Was I falling? Was I really falling for someone I had just met?

"Now anyway, let's go swimming" he said, breaking me from my thoughts. He ripped his shirt off, revealing his toned body.

Yes, I was falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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