Thomas ~ Snow? In Fall? Thomas X Wynter

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Character: Thomas
Summary: Thomas is one of your good friends and you find him at the park reading.
Warning: Fluff


I woke up early in the morning and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes. I looked at the clock on the side of my bed and read the time. 7:32. I sighed and turned onto my side to see my roommate, Eliza, still asleep, her blonde hair, peeking out from under the duvet. I smiled at her before walking towards my closet and taking out some clothes. It was fall at the moment which meant the weather was getting colder so i made sure that before I left, I put my coat on.

I began walking to the park, my earphones playing using into my ears but at a gentle volume so I could still hear the birds chirping in the trees

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I began walking to the park, my earphones playing using into my ears but at a gentle volume so I could still hear the birds chirping in the trees. This is why I loved the morning, there weren't too many people around and it was nice and quiet even if you did have to wake up early. Just as I walked past a park bench I heard a familiar Scottish accent call from behind me. "Wynter?" The boy asked, I turned around to see one of my best friends Thomas, sitting on the park bench, smiling at me.

"Tommy!" I squealed, running up to him and sitting next to him on the bench. "Whatcha doin?" I asked, looking at the book in his hands. "Reading" he said, showing me the book cover. "That's a good book" I said, pointing at it. "You've read it?" He asked. "Yeah, it's my favourite book" I said, smiling. "Do you wanna read it with me?" He asked, giving me his famous smirk. I nodded at him and rested my head on his shoulder as I listened to the words roll off of his tongue.

I watched the way his ocean blue eyes moved from line to line as he read through the pages and the way he laughed when reading inappropriate parts of the story. He was such a big kid and I loved it. As he finished his sentence, I sat up and nestled under his chin.

 As he finished his sentence, I sat up and nestled under his chin

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I smiled up at him as he finished the chapter of his book. "Well, I should go.. my roommate's probably wondering where I am" I said dusting off my outfit and standing up. "Okay, bit before you go" he said, pulling my arm, making me face him. He was inches away from my lips before we met in the middle, colliding our faces together. I smiled into the kiss as I felt light drops of water fall on my shoulders. Once we broke the kiss I looked around to see small flakes of snow, falling from the sky.

I gasped in amazement and watched as the white flakes drifted onto the floor, melting on my skin. "Snow?" I asked, holding my hands out to catch some. "In fall?" Thomas giggled, pulling me closer to his chest, making our lips meet again.

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