Thomas ~ She Said Yes!

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*requested by @maddiwolf15*

She sat there everyday. Her eyes gleamed like blue sapphires and her gorgeous hair, cupped her face perfectly. Her golden locks formed in a twist past her shoulders, revealing the diamond earrings dangling from her ears.

After enough creepy staring, I eventually built up the courage to talk to her. Sitting up from my seat, I walked slowly but casually towards her table and waved my hand, making her look up from her book.

A few days before...

"I can't believe your really leaving" my best friend, Callum said as he watched me take down some of my most precious pictures. I chuckled slightly before shutting my suitcase.

"I mean LA, man" he continued, sitting down in his bed. "I'm gonna miss you" he said, out of the blue. I parked up at that I stared at him. "Cal.." I began.

"No, no, no we are not gonna have another sappy talk!" He joked quickly, waving his hands in frustration making me laugh.

"But be careful, be safe and don't forget me" he finished, shrugging. I nodded and hugged him tightly. "And don't you dare think about forgetting me either" I said, but it came out rather muffled as my face was buried in his shoulder.

"Good luck, man, you'll do great" were his last words before I left for LA.

Present Time

Y/n's POV
Every so often I would glance up at the brunette boy, sitting on the table across from me. I couldn't help it. From his crystal blue eyes to his precious smile.

Quickly, I buried my face in my book again, as I saw him glance up at me this time. I tried my bets to act natural but it all came out as I blush because I could feel my cheeks going hotter by the second.

He looked familiar as well, as if I had seen him before. I just couldn't put my tongue on it.

Before I knew it, he sat up from his seat and began walking. Slight sadness entered me as I thought he was heading for the door, but instead he began walking over to- MY TABLE!?

I exhaled deeply and checked my makeup and hair in the window, next to me. Yes, I'm one of those people.

I tried to act as normal as possible when he reached my table. "Hiya" he said, waving at me, a thick Scottish accent escaping from his lips, which only made him even more dreamy.

I shut my book and layered it down on the table, keeping my thumb in the page so I wouldn't lose it. "Hi" I said, a polite smile on my face a s I scanned him.

He was quite tall and well built, but I was distracted by his beautiful and hypnotic blue eyes.

Thomas' POV
"Is, uh, is this seat taken?" I asked, pointing to the seat across from her. She smiled politely and shook her head.

"No, go ahead" she gestured towards the seat. Her voice was so angelic, like the voice of an angel. I grinned and put my hand out.

"I'm Thomas, by the way" I said, as she grasped my hand. "Y/n" she said, a smile on her face, not one of the fake ones you see on TV but a real one.

I gratefully took the seat and sat down. "Are you new here? I don't think I've see you around" she said, a eyes full of curiosity.

"Actually yeah, I'm from Edinburgh but I moved here to pursue acting" I told her as she nodded along. "That's so cool, y'know I've always wanted to be an actress but been to lazy to do anything about it" she giggled, earning a slight chuckle from me as I saw her cheeks turn a tint of red.

"So uh, this may seem a bit forward but could I uh, get your number?" I asked her, rubbing the back of my neck in worry.

She smiled even wider and took her phone from the table. "Of course" she said, unlocking it and tapping the phone icon.

After we exchanged numbers, I stood from my seat and faced her. "Maybe we can meet up sometime, does tomorrow work?" I asked her fiddling with the rings on my finger.

She said yes!

3 years later

"Come with me" I said, grasping the hand of the love of my life. "Baby.." she cooed as I pulled her towards an archway, decorated with flowers and leaves.

"Tommy, it's beautiful" she said, her jaw dropping as she stared at the garden. I smiled as I watched her in awe.

Reaching towards my pocket, I took out the ring case and got down onto my knee, whilst she was looking away.

I opened the box and held it up towards her, waiting for her to turn around. "Baby, it so-" she began, but cut herself off when she turned around and saw me on one knee.

She gasped and cupped her mouth with her hands. "Y/n L/n" I began, watching the build up of tears in her eyes. "Will you marry me?" I asked, a smile wider than the first one when we met.

She moved her hand away from her mouth, revealing a beaming smile. "Yes! Yes! A million times, YES!" She cried, allowing me to slide the ring onto her finger before pressing a kiss to her lips.

I will always remember that day as the day she said yes.

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