Harry Hook ~ Father Figure

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Character: Harry Hook
Request: hello.. can u do one where the reader sees Harry with a baby or child which makes her want to have one with him xx thankyou!
Warning: None


I watched as Harry paced around the hospital waiting room. "Babe" I said in a usual tone but no response came from my boyfriend. "Babe!" I called again, slightly louder this time. Nothing. He continued to walk around the room as he pulled on the baby hairs on the back of his neck.

"HARRY!" I yelled, making him turn around to face me. "What?" He asked, concern in his eyes. "She's going to be okay" I told him, making him sigh before nodding and sitting down next to me.

His sister, CJ, was in the ward giving birth to her first child and Harry was panicking like mad. I snaked my hand over the arm of the chair I was sat in and intertwined my fingers with his.

"Everything's gonna be fine" I reminded him, a smile spreading across my lips. He nodded and leaned forwards to place a kiss on my forehead before leaning his head on my shoulder. "How is she?" A hurried voice asked from behind me.

I turned my head to see my two best friends, Uma and Gil. "We don't know but she's PROBABLY fine" I told them, putting emphasis on the word probably so that Harry would calm down. "And how is he?" Gil asked, pointing at the pirate himself.

"He's a little worried but otherwise good" I said, pressing a quick kiss to his lips as I ran my hands through his brunette hair.

Just as Uma and Gil sat down on the couch next to Harry nurse with short black hair walked in with a clipboard in her hands.

"Mr Hook and Miss L/N.." she began, reading from the piece of paper as Harry jolted up at the mention of his name. "If you would like to come with me.." she said, turning around on her heels as we followed her to the room CJ was in.

The nurse was kind enough to open the door as Harry rushed to his sister's side. My jaw fell agape as I stared at the beautiful baby boy in her arms as she rocked him from the left to the right.

"Harry.." CJ began in a light voice. "Meet your nephew, Killian" she said, handing the baby to him. His eyebrows formed a pattern and he gasped at the little ball of joy in his arms.

"Killian, meet your Uncle Harry.." she continued as Harry carefully held the babe in his arms. "..And your Aunt Y/n" she finished as I walked up behind my boyfriend, peering over his shoulder to see my nephew.

"Oh, he gorgeous" I complimented making the two laugh slightly. "He is" Harry agreed.

I stared in awe at not only the baby but the man holding him. I couldn't get over the fact at how adorable he looked and how good he was with the small joy.

I felt a smile tug at my lips as I stared into his frost blue eyes. "Y'alright lass?" He asked, his eyes sparkled.

"I want one".

Thomas Doherty Oneshots (REQUESTS OPEN)Where stories live. Discover now