Harry Hook ~ Fire On Fire

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Character: Harry Hook
Summary: A fire breaks out at Auradon Prep, everyone manages to get out safely, but you. Luckily Harry rushes in to save you.
(Based on the fire scene from The Greatest Showman)
Warning: Trigger Warning

Love can be scary. I mean really scary, especially when the person you love the most is in consistent pain and dreaded thoughts cross through your mind. Well, that has happened to me before, but I am lucky enough to have the love of my life with me forever and always.


"Just don't set the castle on fire" I joked as I allowed Jay and Carlos to make a snack in kitchen. I walked out the door only to be greeted by the one and only Harry Hook. Nobody knows, but I have had a crush on this guy for as long as I could remember. We grew up on the isle together, my father, Hades, was never around or at least there for me so I spent most of my time on the pirate ship. I met Harry on the ship when I was about 4 years old and we have been best friends ever since, only 13 years later and into our ongoing friendship I've wanted to be a lot more than friends.

"Hey lass" Harry said, as he moved a piece of hair out of my face with his hook. "You look nice" he said with a wink. Harry and I always flirted, but never took it any further. I knew that he only saw me as his best friend and nothing more than that. I just wish I had some of that love spell, Mal had for Ben. Wait no, Y/n bad! You are not going to put Harry under a love.

The idea had crossed my mind a few times, but then the feeling of guilt always came over it. I couldn't do that to Harry. "Thanks" I said, smiling at him. "What are Jay and Carlos doing?" He asked, peeking in through the door. "Making a snack" I laughed as I watched Carlos, juggling with 3 glasses. We stood there for a few minutes just watching them trying to figure out the oven.

"You know, they'll probably figure it out, let's go and get some lunch" he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the door. We walked towards the cafeteria and saw Uma, Gil, Evie and Mal all sitting together at a table. We immediately walked up to them as Harry stole an apple of off someone else's plate. I gave him a frustrated look and he just sighed. "Hey, I'm still a villain" he said, shrugging and biting into the apple as we sat down next to our friends.

"Hey!" Evie said, as I sat down next to her. "Hi" I said as she pulled me in for a hug. We talked about random things with everyone until we were all caught up with what had happened since the last time we saw each other. Which I have to admit was 2 hours ago, but hey! We love out friends. Most of it was Harry and I flirting though. "Are you burning up?" Harry asked, with a concerned look on his face. "Now why?" I said, immediately putting my hand against my forehead to feel my temperature. "Because you look really hot" he said, smirking at me before winking.

I rolled my eyes and smiled to myself. If only he could say that as my boyfriend. "You two might as well date" Uma said, giving us both looks. "No way, she's my best friend" Harry said, frowning at Uma. I knew that he was going to say something like that but it really hurt when he did. I knew he only saw me as his best friend possibly even his sister but I just felt something inside of me crumble away when he said those words. I smiled and tried to hide how hurt I was. "Yeah, that would be weird" I quickly said.

Harry's POV
"Yeah, that would be weird" Y/n said quickly. As she said those words, I felt my heart shatter. How could I be so dumb? Obviously she only thought of me as her best friend and nothing more. Ugh! Why did I let my hopes get so high? I just wish she knew the way I felt about her without having to ruin our friendship. If I told her how I felt she would probably leave and go and find herself a Prince because that's was she deserves. Not some pirate who doesn't even know how to tell the time. (I got this from Descendants 2 when Harry puts the watch in Ben's face and says the wrong time)

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" Y/n said, getting up out of her seat and walking out of the cafeteria. I nodded to her before she left and brushed my hand through my hair, thinking about what had just happened. Just then my thoughts were interrupted by the fire bell going off. We all looked at each other in shock as the fire bell had never gone off before it must have been really bad. "Everyone please leave the building now!" Fairy Godmother said through the intercom.

We were quickly evacuated by some school staff and out to the front of the school. The fire was bad and half of the school was already destroyed. We quickly walked over to a tree to make sure we were all here. "Gil, Harry, Mal, Uma, Jay, Carlos.." Evie said, pointing to each of us. "Where's Y/n?!" She quickly asked, scared. "WHERE'S Y/N?!" I yelled angrily as I started panicking. "She must still be inside!" Carlos said, worried. We all ran to the front of the building, next to the steps to see if there was any sign of Y/n.

We saw nothing, only smoke and flames as they burnt through the school. I looked around desperately, trying to see if she was with somebody else, but I couldn't see her. I looked at Uma with tears in my eyes and then at the school. She gave me a look and tilted her head. "Harry.. your not thinking what I think your thinking" she said, her eyes widening with fear. I stared at her for a minute before looking back at the school. I ripped of my red coat and hook and handed them both to Uma as I began running up the steps.

I immediately started running towards the burning building, and ran in through the "doors" coughing through the smoke. "HARRY!" I heard Uma and Gil shout and I heard my other friends screaming my name as well but I didn't listen to any of them. I had to find her.

Y/n's POV
The room was filled with smoke as I was cornered in the room. I tried to cover up my mouth to prevent myself from coughing but it was no use. I turned around to see of there was way out and there was an open window. Perfect! I managed to climb out and get out safely before running to the front of the school. I saw Uma, Gil, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay but no Harry standing at the front with panicked looks on there faces.

"Guys!" I called out, running towards them. They all turned around and looked at me in shock. "Y/n!" The called rushing towards me. "Where's Harry?!" I asked, starting to panic. "He ran in to save you!" Uma yelled, a panicked look across her face. My eyes widened with fear as I looked at the school, desperately looking for him.

Harry's POV
"Y/N!" I yelled, coughing through the smoke and flames. I continued to call her name as I ran through multiple classrooms. I began to hyperventilate. My breathing became heavier as I inhaled more smoke into my lungs. Before I knew it, I felt my legs collapse beneath me and everything went black.

Y/n's POV
Tears streamed down my face as I cuddled up to Uma, she and Gil were also crying as there was no sign of their best friend. The fire station had eventually got here and put out the worst of the fire, 3 of them looking for Harry. "FOUND HIM!" One called. I immediately rushed to the front of the crowd, the rest of my friends not far behind me as I broke down in tears at Harry being carried by one of the men.

His clothes were ripped with black soot, smudged across him. He had blood dripping from every inch of his body and bruises on his face and arms. "Harry!" I yelled, sitting at his side. "Is he going to be okay?" I asked them, holding Harry's hand tightly. "As long as we get him to hospital straight away, he should be" the fireman said, giving me a warm smile.

1 week later
I hadn't left his side, Uma and Gil had been with me all day to make sure he was okay but we're told to leave. I however, begged them for me to stay, being daughter of Hades, I guess people still did fear me. I dipped my hand to my tear stained face and my grip on Harry's hand tightened. I wasn't letting ago until I was sure he was okay.

Just as a tear rolled down my cheek, I felt his thumb move over my hand. I immediately jolted up right and looked at him, hopefully. His eyes began to flutter open and he smiled at me. "Yer okay?" He said. "I'm okay? YOUR FUCKING ALIVE!" I yelled, launching my body onto him, hugging him tightly. "Don't ever do that to me again" I said, into his hair. "I won't" he said, calmly before I broke away and looked him in the eye. Without hesitation I pressed my lips against his in a kiss full of pure love.

_ _ _ _ _

This was fun to write. Be sure to comment your requests or Q and A questions for future chapters.

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