Harry Hook ~ Pizza

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Character: Harry Hook
Request: Could you maybe do one where Harry confesses his feelings for the reader? Daughter of Dr. Faciler.
Summary: Harry and Y/n have been friends for 10 years but then Harry admits his feeling for you is more than friendship.
Warning: None


"And try and find something good this time" my dad called, from inside the shop. I groaned and rolled my eyes at the fact that my father wanted his 7 year old daughter to find some gold on this dump of and island. Oh, hi! I'm Y/n, daughter of Dr. Faciler but you may know him as The Shadow Man. My dad has never really cared about me, well about the same amount as any villain has cared about their kid. He had been frustrated with me this morning because I only managed to steal a bracelet off of Hettie, Queen of Hearts' daughter so he had sent me out again to find something that could be useful.

After a few minutes of walking and not being able to find anything, I decided to walk into the south side of the island, I had never been on this side of the isle before because I was warned by my sister, Freddie about it but I knew my dad would be furious if I didn't find anything. I slinked around the corner of Ursula's Fish and Chip Shop and spotted something shining on a metal barrel. I walked closer to it, eyeing the object, eventually realising that it was Captain Hook's priceless Hook. I smirked evilly and reached out to grab it when a hand landed on top of mine, squeezing it and cutting off my blood circulation.

Quickly, I removed my hands and held it to my chest, looking at the figure, holding onto the hook. "Sorry luv, but that belongs to meh" a thick Scottish accent said. Before I knew it a boy around the same age as me, came into the light, showing his face. He had dark brown hair, covering his forehead and down to his ocean blue eyes. He picked the hook up and held it in his hand. It was slightly big on him but he held onto it tightly. "Sorry, I didn't realise" I said, shaking my head in embarrassment. "Yer not from around her are ye?" He asked, leaning against the wall behind him.

"How could you tell?" I asked. "Well, not many people would willingly and bravely pick up meh hook" he said, smirking. I nodded my head and looked at the hook. "Son of Hook, I presume?" I asked. "Harry, Harry Hook" he said, holding his hand out for me to shake. "And ye are?" He asked, raising and eyebrow. "Y/n Faciler" I said, shaking his hand.

That was 10 years ago..

I was sat in my room with Uma and Gil, writing in my diary when there was a knock at the door. I walked up to the door and stood by it. "Who is it?" I called. "Pizza delivery!" The Scottish pirate joked. I scoffed, laughing under my breath and opened the door, revealing Harry who was holding a pizza box in his hands. "One pepperoni pizza for a fine lookin' lass" he flirted, taking his hat off and bowing to me. "Why thank you, good sir" I joked, taking the pizza from him and letting him inside. "Hey Harry" Uma and Gil said in sync. "Hiya" he said, waving.

He put the pizza down on my table and plonked down onto the bed as I sat next to him. We all reached for the pizza, taking a slice from it and were about to put it in our mouth when I asked a question. "Wait! Where did you find this?" I asked Harry, knowing him, it was probably from the bottom of the ocean. He smirked and quirked and eyebrow at me. "Ye don't trust meh?" He asked, sounding offended. "Nope" I joked, shaking my head. He gasped and shook his head in disbelief. "Anyway, I found it in an alleyway, next to Goblin Bog" he said, doubling over with laughter as Gil spat the pizza out of his mouth and ran to the sink to wash his mouth out.

"Rule #1, never trust pizza that came from Harry" Uma said, pushing the pizza box away from us making us all laugh. "Ooh, we should get going" she said, looking down at the watch she had stolen from Madame Mim. "Where are you guys going?" I asked. "My mom is letting me run the shop!" She squealed in excitement. "Congratulations!" I said, standing up to hug her. "Harry, you coming?" She asked as she put on her jacket and opened the door. "I'll be down la'er" he said, waving them off. They nodded and walked out the door.

"So... did you ask her?" I asked Harry, jumping onto the bed, resting my shin on my hands. "Ask who what?" He asked, giving me a confused expression. "Shut up! I heard you talking to Uma about a girl you liked" I said, giving him a goofy smile. His face went bright red as he covered it with a pillow. "Come on Har, you can tell me or at least describe her to me" I whined, taking the pillow from him and chucking it on the floor. I wasn't going to lie, when I first heard Harry talking about a girl he liked, it hurt, I had p, had a crush on him for 5 years now but I'm his best friend so it wouldn't work. So I decided to be happy for my best friend.

"Fine, I'll describe her" he said, rolling his eyes as I laughed in victory. "She had h/l h/c hair, beautiful e/c eyes, glowing s/c and the most incredible voice I have ever heard" he said, smiling at me. "Aww, Harry's got a crush" I said, cooing at him. He frowned at me before throwing a pillow at me. "She is extremely annoying though" he finished. "Then why do you like her?" I asked him, returning the frown he had given me not so long ago.

"Because she is the most incredible girl I have ever met" she said in awe. I gulped down and put on a smile for my best friend. "I need a name.." I said, looking him in the eye. "Okay, her name is Y/n Faciler" he said, smirking at me. I took a minute to realise what he had said before my jaw dropped wide. "Wha- me?" I asked, in complete shock. He nodded his head as a smile tugged at the corner of my mouth. "I like you too, Harry Hook" I said, before pouncing into his arms and pressing my lips against his.

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