Harry Hook ~ Dangerous Road

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You had me hooked again from the minute you sat down
The way you bite your lip, got my head spinning around

"Slow down" I told my best friend, Ky, daughter of Kiera and Kovu. She was swallowing down her food like it was her job. "I can't, look she's on her way" she said, her voice trembling with fear as she pointed a shaking finger at Audrey and her cliche group of friends. I mentally groaned and stood up from the bench as the 3 girls approached us. "Yeah, listen to your friend, Ky, you don't wanna get any fatter" Audrey said, coldly, making her friends giggle.

After a drink or two I was putty in your hands
I don't know if I had the strength to stand

I stared at her, a dangerous glint in my eye and raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips. "Well I mean look at her, she could pass as a football" Audrey laughed. I hissed at her and laughed sarcastically. "So could you as soon as my foot makes contact with your face!" I said, coldly, glaring at her as I heard Ky chuckle under her breath. Satisfied with my comment I smirked at Audrey. "Listen, I'm just trying to put this little shit in her place" Audrey said, trying to sound intimidating but I could still see the fear behind her eyes.

Oh oh oh, trouble troublemaker
Yeah that's your middle name
I know your no good but your stuck in my brain

I growled at her and cracked my knuckles. "Do you know what your doing?" I asked in a sweet tone, my British accent rolling off of my tongue with elegance. "No, tell me!" She said, standing on her tip toes as I was the slightest bit taller than her. "Your insulting my friend and do you know what happens to people who insult my friend?" I asked, smiling sweetly at her. "What?" She smirked. I laughed at her before swinging a punch at her nose. "OW!" She cried, stumbling backwards, clutching her bloody nose. "You are such a bitch Emma!" Audrey squealed. "Suck my dick!" I called after her, earning a high five from Ky.

And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
My mind keeps saying run as fast as you can

I laughed as I sat back down before getting interrupted by Fairy Godmother. "Emma Porter!" She yelled, making me turn around slowly, oh yes, I was the daughter of Jane Porter. "My office NOW!" She said, an angry look on her face. I rolled my eyes and blowed a kiss at Ky before walking towards the fairy's office.

I say I'm done and then you pull me back
I swear your giving me a heart attack, troublemaker

I sat down in a chair, sitting across from FG and crossed my legs, putting them on the table. FG gave me a disappointed look and shook her head before using a ruler to push my feet off of the table. "Emma, you know our rule" She began, holding her hands in front of her. I grinned at her and stayed silent. "No physical violence on the school premises!" She said. "FG, she was bullying my friend, I couldn't just sit there and watch!" I said. "But you could have gotten one of our staff members" she said.

It's like you're always there in the corners of my mind
I see a silhouette every time I close my eyes

"OH, WHAT THE FUCK WOULD THEY HAVE DONE?!" I began raising my voice as I stood up out of my chair. "Emma.." she said, calmly. "What?" I asked like a little kid who didn't get what they wanted. "I'm transferring you to the VK class" she said, shuffling with some papers. I rolled my eyes and stood up again. "Where are you going?" She asked, giving me a confused look. "To the VK class..." I said, pointing to the door, thinking that it was fairly obvious.

There must be poison in those finger tips of yours
'Cause I keep comin' back again for more

"I need to send an email to the teacher working there first" she said, typing something into her keyboard. I groaned and slumped back into the chair. "This is the exact attitude that got you transferred in the first place" she said, looking me in the eye. "And I give a fuck because..." I asked, causing her to gasp. "And they language needs to stop" she said, shaking her head. I laughed under my breath and fiddled with my thumbs, waiting for her to be finished.

Time Skip

FG dragged me towards the VK class and knocked on the door. A middle aged women answered and came into the hallway, shutting the door behind us. "Hello Fairy Godmother" the women exclaimed before looking at me. "I'm Mrs Brown! And this must be..." she said, completely forgetting my name. "Squarepants, SpongeBob Squarepants" I said, shaking her hand politely. FG slapped my arm playfully and told her my real name. "This is Emma Porter" she said, putting her hands on my shoulders before I shoved her away. "Well at least my class will like you" Mrs Brown said as she opened the door, letting FG and I in.

Oh oh oh, trouble troublemaker yeah
That's your middle name, oh oh oh
I know you're no good but you're stuck in my brain

There were 7 kids inside. 4 boys and 3 girls. One of the boys was sitting in the teachers chair, drawing a penis on the board as his boots were crossed on top of the teacher's desk. He had brown messy hair, ocean blue eyes, a red sleeveless jacket on and eyeliner smudged across his eyes, he was very attractive "HAROLD!" The teacher yelled, anger clear in her voice. The attractive boy immediately turned his head, glaring at her, evil and hatred spearing in his eyes. "What did ye jus' call meh?" He asked, a thick scottish accent, lacing with every word.

And I wanna know, why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
Whoa, my mind keeps saying run as fast as you can

The entire class went silent and watched as the boy stood up, walking towards the teacher. Mrs Brown began trembling with fear as she pressed up against the wall. He was towering over her as he was much taller than her and smirked. "Me name is not Harold! Nobody calls me Harold! I'm Harry!" He said, his eyes widening with a hint of crazy. I smiled at Harry's actions and laughed to myself. I liked this class a lot.

I say I'm done but then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear you're giving me a heart attack, troublemaker

"Right yes, Harry, now please take a seat" she trembled as FG watched in horror. Harry smirked and made his way to a desk next to a boy with blonde hair and a bandana and a girl with light teal hair. They laughed with him for a few moments before turning there attention to me. "Who's the new kid?" A girl with purple hair asked. "Well, would you like to introduce yourself?" FG asked me. "Nope" I said and sat down in a desk in front of me. The whole class laughed as FG left the room.

Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
Whoa, my mind keeps saying run as fast as you can troublemaker

"This is Emma" Mrs Brown said. "She has been transferred to this class as she is... unable to learn in with the AKs" she said, trying to find the right words. I scoffed at her as I twiddled my thumbs on my desk. "Well let's get started" she finished, giving Harry an angry look as she wiped his drawing off of the board making him laugh. "No fun are ye?" He taunted.

I say I'm done and then you pull me back
Whoa, I swear your giving me a heart attack

All through the class I could see Harry shooting me flirty looks, causing me to blush. I wasn't gonna lie, he was very attractive and we got along quite well. I learned everyone's names by the end of the class and we had arranged to meet up after school. Once the bell rang, signalling that school was over, I walked out the door, only to be stopped by a muscular arm. "Where ye going love?" Harry asked, smirking at me. "What's it to you?" I asked, showing that it wasn't going to be easy to get me.

Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad?
My mind keeps saying run as fast as you can

He laughed silently and bent down to my level so we were the same height as he was much taller than me. "Y'know ye caught me attention in class today" he said, looking me up and down. "I did? I barely noticed" I said, smiling 'sweetly'. He let out a chuckle and checked to see if anyone was looking. "I mean, yer damn fine" he whispered seductively in my ear. I blushed slightly before returning to my rebellious posture. I tilted my head and grabbed him by the ear.

"You don't wanna fuck with me, Hook" I said, smirking at him. "Oh trust me, I really do" he smirked before winking making me chuckle slightly. "Okay, tonight, 8:00 at Moonlight Pond" I said, slipping a note into his hand which had my phone number on it. "Don't be late!" I said, flipping my hair to the side, before walking out of the classroom. I could feel his eyes locked onto my ass as I left the room, sashaying down the hall.

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