Harry Hook ~ I Do Believe In Fairies

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Character: Harry Hook
Summary: You are the daughter of Tinkerbell and you fall in love with the son of Captain Hook
Warning: Fluff
"Y/n come on!" Mal said, as she jumped up and down on my bed. "Ugh why" I said, rolling over and hugging the blanket to my chest. "3 more VK's are coming to Auradon! You know that" she said as she pulled my arms, getting me out of bed. "Fine" I said, walking towards my closet and picking out and outfit. It was some black ripped jeans with a blue denim jacket and black crop top.

I walked out of my dorm room, making sure to lock the door this time as stupid Chad Charming or should I say Chad Fuckface, keeps breaking into my dorm room and using my 3D printer. Anyway, how rude of me, my name is Y/n Bell, daughter of Tinkerbell and yes, I am a fairy but can't fly. I know, shit right. Even though my mother can be very fancy and posh, I am quite the opposite. I don't really like the idea of being a pretty pink princess, wearing tiaras and jewellery. I prefer to wear chill and casual clothes, so people know that I'm so much more than Tinkerbell's daughter.

I never knew who my father was. My mother never talked about him, there are rumours that my father could be Peter Pan, but mother always changes the subject when I ask about it. Anyway, I've always loved when new VK's arrive, especially since I met Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos, we all clicked straight away and became best friends. Now Ben, who has been made the king, made it my job to greet the new VK's and show them around the school. And when I found out who I was showing around, man was I excited.


"Anyway, it's good to meet you all and- oh finally Y/n" Ben said walking up to me. "Sorry, I woke up late" I said, dusting off any dirt on my outfit. "You will be showing these people around today" Ben said, pointing to them. I smiled at them all but one caught my eye. An incredibly attractive boy, with messy brown hair, ice blue eyes and a hook. He was wearing a grey shirt with a bunch of holes in it, and on top of it a red coat. He seemed to be holding the hook in his hands which made me realise he must of been the son of Captain Hook. I walked up to them as Ben introduced me to each of them.

"So this is Gil" he said, pointing to a boy with fair hair, down to his shoulders, with a bandana on, he seemed to be wearing mostly brown and he smiled at me and put his hand out for me to shake. I smiled back and shook his hand. "This is Uma" Ben then said, pointing to a pretty girl with light blue hair and blue clothing on. She smiled but didn't go in for a hand shake. "Lastly, this is Harry" he said, pointing to the attractive boy.

He was fidgeting with his hook and looked up at me. His eyes widened as he saw me and smirked. I looked away quickly before I could blush as I started to feel my face heating up. "So Y/n will be showing you around today" Ben said, before leaving. I smiled at Harry as he continued to look me up and down. "Well let's get on with the tour" I said, clapping my hands together.

I started by leading them through the hallways and to their rooms. Most of the tour was just Gil making jokes and Harry making flirty comments towards me and then Uma smacking him playfully on the arm. At every comment he made, I could feel my face heat up even more. We eventually got to all of the rooms, lastly stopping at Harry's room. "So this is your dorm, you will be sharing with Gil" I said, opening the door. Gil, straight away, ran up to the bed and started jumping on it like a little kid. "So! Much! Fun!" He said in between jumps.

Harry and I laughed as he jumped higher and higher. "So, I guess I'll see you around" I said, holding Harry's arm "Wait!" He said, grabbing ahold of my wrist. "Could we hangout later?" He asked me. I felt my heart flutter in my chest as he said that. Did he just ask me out? I thought to myself. "Like a date?" I asked him, hoping his answer would be yes. He nodded as I smiled at him and took his hand. "Definitely" I said before kissing his cheek. His face went red and he smirked at me. "Ooh" Gil said, as he sat up on the bed. Harry glared at him which made Gil hide his face with a pillow. "I'll see you later then" he said, brushing his hand through his hair. "Yeah, I'll see you later" I said, before walking out the door.

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