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That was the only thing that Renjun could think of as of this moment, trying his best not to bump into everyone he passed by since first of all, this was his first time in a couple of years to roam around the city. His tears weren't helping him at all, it was blurring his vision.

Nothing seems to come to his mind but to run away from them, and hopefully bump into Yangyang or Jungwoo. Renjun wiped his tears away, the baby blue beret falling off his head and he didn't even feel it. What matters right now is to run away from them.

It shouldn't be a big deal, right? But to Renjun it is. He hoped, he expected. All he wanted is to feel loved and to feel welcomed- was he asking for too much?

He kept on running, not caring on where his foot would lead him, as long as he ends up in someone he knows and trust-

"O-Oh my god, I-I'm so sorry—" Renjun choked back a sob, tears rolling down his tears uncontrollably. And now he didn't know if he was crying because of what just happened, or because he just bumped into someone and had to deal with a punishment.

"Hey, shh, calm down, what's wr—"

Seems like bad luck is on Renjun's side after making eye contact with someone awfully familiar. And Renjun's sobs seemed to stop, but not his tears as he felt fear creeping up on his blood and veins.

"Oh, look who we have here."

Mark stopped, biting his bottom lip as he started recalling his father's words. He ordered them not to roam around especially now that they are exposed to the public by going to Neo City's famous university. If Renjun ran to the lake, then it would've been a hundred times better, but the male just had to run to the city and them being the greatest vampires out there with one of them being rare, just lost him.

Note the irony.

"This is your fucking fault, Donghyuck." Mark cussed, and it just had to be heard by Donghyuck the second time.

"We're already over this, Mark. It's your fault you had yell out that he was so-"

"Stop fighting you immature fuckers," Jisung just had to yell that out because one, he was pissed and annoyed, and two, he was enough with them fighting and blaming each other and assumed they forgot about Renjun running away in the busy streets of Neo City.

Mind you, he was the youngest out of them.

"It's both your fault." Chenle walked between the two to hopefully lessen the tension between them as he walked inside the city first. "Don't even try to argue."

The two spared a glance at Chenle before glaring at each other. It didn't last long since Jeno had to knock their heads together - not so hard but not so soft either - snapping the two males back to reality that are acting rather immature.

"If you're too busy killing each other with your glares, might as well forget about Renjun." Jeno stated before sighing, walking between them to follow Chenle who started searching with Jisung.

To be honest, they kind of look like young campers doing a scavenger hunt with Mark and Donghyuck fighting whoever the leader of their team is- but you don't hear that from them.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to an hour, still no sign of Renjun. They expected this because one, this is a big ass city, and two, they were kind of scared of people (may it be paranormals or just regular humans) since they were kept in isolation for their whole lives.

"No shit, this is even harder than finding the last piece of the 1000-piece puzzle back at home." Chenle groaned.

Jeno ruffled his hair and looked at his brothers, "Did anybody see him, not even a glimpse?"

He expected a shake of the head, to which they did without hesitation. Jeno was undoubtably disappointed, they were vampires for fuck's sake and they didn't even see Renjun anywhere.

"Not a glimpse of him but I saw this," Jisung walked up to them and pulled a familiar baby blue beret from his pocket, "He was wearing this when we got home."

Everyone stared at the beret in Jisung's grasp, then looked at each other before resting their gazes to Donghyuck. He was the only one who can tell what happened to Renjun, but if he kept on locking his clairvoyance to himself then what?

Donghyuck knows what they were referring to, and even if it was Renjun – that one male he cared the most excluding his brothers – he won't release his ability.

"Donghyuck, you're the only one who can know what happened to him." Jaemin started, already predicting that the tanned male was going to refuse.

"No." He's not going to do it and that's final.

"Hyung, this is Renjun we're talking about," Just when Chenle is about to push the topic any further and persuade Donghyuck, Mark held his hand to stop him from breaking their bond together just like how he did with theirs.

He didn't want them to do the same thing he did.

"Don't force him," Mark uttered, squeezing Chenle's hand a little before letting it go. "It's okay, I'm sure we can still find him. There's still the five of us with our abilities, no?"

"Nothing of it is compared to Hyuck." Jaemin deadpans, grabbing the baby blue beret from Jisung's grasp, "We'll have to find him by ourselves."

The faded blonde male turned his heel and is about to carry on and hide himself in a corner to shapeshift if it weren't for bumping into someone awfully familiar that's way taller than him – but younger than him.

Jaemin tensed, and his brothers felt it.


Still keeping his emotionless face, Soobin didn't leave his gaze from Jaemin's eyes, an unpleasant atmosphere engulfing them every second.

Seconds passed but it felt like forever to Jaemin, especially when he knew that he's one of Yeonjun's friends and is probably after Renjun.

Soobin was the first one to break eye contact and eyed the shorter male from head to toe, lips tugging up in a sly smirk as soon as he caught a glimpse of the familiar baby blue beret on Jaemin's hold.

The tall male stifled a mocking chuckle, adjusting his position to face Jaemin and his brothers fully before fishing something from the pocket of his slacks. The six of them tensed at the item Soobin was holding—

It was Renjun's watch.

"Let's play hide and seek." Soobin stated and shoved the watch back to his pocket, "We play hiders, you play seekers."

"Where is he." Jisung took Jaemin's arm and pulled him back, switching their positions together to face the tall male. He was way younger than Soobin, yes, but he can definitely talk to him with no height involved.

And the way he voiced his sentence didn't seem like a question.

"That will be no fun, Jung." Soobin smirked, intentionally saying his adoptive father's last name since he didn't know what Jisung's last name is. "Besides, we'll test how good Jung Jaehyun's sons really are."

Soobin plastered a mocking smile on his face before saluting with his two fingers and getting inside the taxi that was pulled over since who knows when.

The six of them watched the taxi drive away, guilt creeping up to every part of their body. They only have one thing in mind; get Renjun back from their filthy arms.

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