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The weekend passed in a blur and it's currently Monday. Mark finally allowed Donghyuck to hang out with Renjun yet again after seeing the two sleep together, though he had to scold both Chenle and Jaemin for taking advantage of the human. Donghyuck found it unfair that Mark didn't let them stay away from Renjun, but he was happy that he gets to be with the latter again.

The limo ride isn't that awkward since the first time they rode it and Renjun was quite happy to get along with the millionaire's sons - slightly forgetting about the fact that he was just someone that was sold to them.

The limo came to a stop, the seven of them made their way out of the vehicle - earning stares and squeals, as usual, from the other students of Neo Tech.

Who wouldn't swoon over their visuals, though?

"Here's the watch," Jaemin handed him the watch from that morning, "Remember to press it if something happens."

Renjun nodded and smiled, "I will." He placed the pocket watch on his wrist as the other six watched him with pure adoration. He looks really pretty, they're not and would never deny it.

"Hey," Donghyuck starts, earning the attention of Renjun who just finished wearing the pocket watch. "We'll get going. Take care."

"You too." The human replied before turning around and walking inside the building.

The six of them watched Renjun leave before walking to their classrooms and buildings. Chenle broke out a fit of laughter as well as Jeno giggling.

"Pft. 'We'll get going. Take care.'" Chenle imitated while making faces, earning a few laughs and giggles from his brothers.

Donghyuck chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up."

As soon as Renjun stepped inside the building, he gasped as he felt himself getting dragged away from the entrance. He blinked upon seeing both Yangyang and Jungwoo dragging him to their classroom. Once the three of them entered the room, they pulled Renjun to his chair and made him sit there, sitting in front of the male with suspicious eyes.

"Woah, what's up?" Renjun asked, placing his bag down on the ground as Yangyang and Jungwoo's eyes never left his.

"No, we should be asking you that. What's up?" Yangyang gave the question back to the older chinese.

"Nothing's up." Surely something's up. Renjun's tone and smiling face gave even more suspicion to both his friends.

Jungwoo inched his face closer to the younger, "Are you sure? You're acting sus."

"What even- did something happen?"

"Something happened to you!" Both Yangyang and Jungwoo yelled out to his face at the same time, catching Renjun off guard.

The chinese pursed his lips in a thin line, blinking as he looked rather confused at the two. What did they mean by something that happened to him? Nothing happened, he was just having a good day.

"Nothing happened to me, though.."

"Yeah sure, nothing happened to you." Yangyang rolled his eyes. "Explain why you are all smiley as if the tanned dude told you something heartwarming?"

Renjun rolled his eyes, "That's a big deal to you?"

The two nodded in approval. Renjun rarely smiles and would usually come to school with either a poker face or tiredness written all over his face. Seeing how the boy was smiling as he came to school made them feel something fishy.

The chinese sighed. "Firstly, his name's Donghyuck and secondly, I'm just having a good day." He replied, but it seems like the two weren't having it.

"First of all, we know his name's Donghyuck- or at least I do. And second of all, I don't think 'having a good day' is a valid reason." Jungwoo said.

"What reason am I supposed to say?" Renjun asked them, trying to prevent himself from smiling. Even himself, he doesn't know why he was having a good day. Was it because Donghyuck can finally talk to him or he's just really having a good day?

"I don't know- something valid!" Jungwoo threw his hands in the air, earning laughs from the two chinese.

"No, but seriously nothing happened. I'm just having a good day." Renjun said as he calmed down from laughing.

Even before Jungwoo or Yangyang could protest, their professor entered the room making the students inside head back to their respective seats. The two gave Renjun a look before heading back to their seats, making the latter just chuckle at their reactions.

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"Did you hang out last weekend?" Renjun asked as he swung his bag over his shoulders, turning to look at Yangyang and Jungwoo who were waiting for him.

"Nope." Yangyang replied, popping the letter 'p'. "We didn't know how to contact you."

Renjun hummed in reply, "It's fine. You can hang out together, it's not like they'll allow me to go." He shrugged following the two out of their classroom.

"Why not?" Yangyang furrowed his brows. (i'm a bad girl da malhaji-)

Renjun heaved a deep sigh, "You know how dangerous Neo City is."

Their topic last time came rushing into Yangyang's mind and he honestly finds the city beautiful and peaceful. Not until Jungwoo and Renjun explained what they experienced on the dark side of the city. Yangyang let out a soft 'oh' after realizing what the two went through in the past.

The three made their way out of their building and Yangyang was surprised to see Xiaojun standing there.


"There you are. Hendery called, he'll pick us up about five minutes from now. Come on." The said male said and took the human's arms. Before he could even drag his boyfriend, he turned to look at the two familiar humans. "Oh hello, I'm going to take Yangyang for now. Hope you don't mind."

"Yeah sure, go ahead." Jungwoo motioned for him to go. Xiaojun gave them a smile before dragging Yangyang who was confused and who didn't even bid goodbye to the both of them.

"Didn't know Yangyang's boyfriend are scared of us." Jungwoo commented as Renjun gave him a look, "How'd you know?"

"It's all over his actions." Jungwoo simply replied, seeing a familiar figure walking over to them. "And there goes your boyfriends."

The younger turned to look at where Jungwoo was looking and saw Donghyuck and Jeno walking from a distance. "They're not my boyfriends."

"Yet." The older smirked, earning a smack from Renjun.

Once the two vampires got closer to where Jungwoo and Renjun are, the chinese turned to look at Jungwoo. "Will you be okay alone?" Renjun asked, earning a nod from the older male.

"Yeah, I will." Jungwoo smiled, "Go along."

"I'll get going then." Renjun smiled before running up to the two vampires.

Jungwoo just gave them a look before sighing and clenching his left chest area. "This is not good."

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