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Renjun gripped onto Jaemin's shoulder, a sign that the air given to him is slowly disappearing– but the vampire didn't seem to notice that. With the harsh grip not working, the human proceeded to tap him– but because of the water, the first few taps weren't really sensed.

Fortunately, Jaemin felt the taps on his shoulder for a while which made him detach himself from Renjun's neck and swam upwards.

Renjun gasped for air, sticking himself closer to the vampire with his arms wrapped around him and his head rested on his shoulder. Jaemin's arms were on his waist, looking straight ahead as blood dripped down on his mouth.

The chinese breathed heavily with an agonizing pain present on his neck. "J-Jaemin?"

The said vampire didn't say anything and just sighed before swimming back to the side of the pool. He placed Renjun on the pool gutter and stayed on the water, hands propping on the floor as he rested his chin on his arms.

"What.. What was that?" Renjun asked, his eyes travelling to Jaemin as he eyed the blood drip off of his mouth that he didn't even bother wiping off.

Jaemin heaved a sigh, pushing himself up to sit beside the chinese male as their feet was in the pool.

"A taste." He replied, his red eyes looking at Renjun's dark brown orbs. "To know why they're after you."

The chinese blinked. "Who's after me?"

Jaemin shook his head and wiped the blood trickling down from his mouth. "Don't worry about it, you're safer here."

Renjun didn't know what to say but he just used his free hand to touch the part where Jaemin just bit him and winced, which didn't go unnoticed by the vampire beside him.

"Don't touch it." Jaemin aforementioned, taking Renjun's wrists away from the part of his neck and placing it down. "It'll hurt more."

The two shared a comfortable silence– to Jaemin, at least, but Renjun felt rather awkward. The chinese fiddled with his fingers, trying his best not to wince at the pain on his neck when Jaemin suddenly placed his hands on his shoulders, turning him around to face him.

Jaemin stared at the masterpiece, as he would like to call it, he made before taking Renjun's blanket closer to the two of them. The vampire didn't hesitate to bury his head on the chinese's neck, giving kitten licks on the bite mark he gave – as well as earning soft moans from Renjun.

"J-Jaemin.." Renjun muttered, using his free hand to clutch Jaemin's arms – to which Jaemin didn't know if he's signalling for him to stop or to keep going.

The vampire inched back after licking the blood oozing out of the little holes, taking Renjun's blanket and tearing a small amount off, earning a gasp from the chinese.

"Don't move." Jaemin ordered, with the human obeying.

The vampire proceeded to wipe the fresh bite mark on Renjun's neck, cleaning it whilst thinking about Mark not to yell at him like what he did to Donghyuck.

The two stayed like that for about a minute or so not until the swimming pool door barged open, getting the attention of the two that are sitting beside the swimming pool.

Jaemin closed his eyes shut, preparing for the scoldings of Mark who will probably break out again like last time when the aura he felt wasn't Mark's.

The vampire opened his eyes, meeting Jeno's unreadable orbs.

"Thank me for distracting Mark or else you'll end up like Donghyuck." Jeno said, throwing a towel at Jaemin's and also placing a towel around Renjun's shoulders.

"How did you distract him?"

Jeno sighed and placed his hand softly and carefully on the fresh bite mark in the human's neck. "I told him that he has guitar lessons with Mr. Park at one. You know how much Mr. Park doesn't like his students skipping his lessons."

Renjun blinked after he felt Jeno's hand remove from his neck, the pain wasn't there, but the marks are present on his skin. The chinese used his hand to caress his neck, feeling the four little holes yet he didn't feel any pain even if he pressed it hard.

"You won't feel anything." Jeno gave the chinese male an eyesmile before turning back to Jaemin. "You guys have to clean up."

The younger blonde nodded, "I will. Also, can you please take Renjun to his room?"

Jeno was about to walk away, but Jaemin's words echoed inside the place. The older vampire stared at Jaemin before taking Renjun's arms and pushing him to his legs slowly. "Come on." The vampire said, knowing how Jaemin wants to be alone.

Upon arriving at the top of the stairs, Renjun hesitated to step on the hallway carpet as he was drenched in water and is afraid that he'll be punished. Jeno noticed his hesitation and turned his attention to him, "What's wrong?"

Renjun gulped, "I-I'm wet.."

Blinking, Jeno's mind definitely didn't think about rainbows and butterflies. The chinese male looked at him with confusion in his eyes, wondering if there's something wrong with what he said. Which there apparently is.

"Oh my– I-I didn't mean it that way!" Renjun's cheeks tinted pink as he used his hands to cover his face in embarrassment. "I m-meant I'm wet as in– oh God, someone save me." Renjun puffed his cheeks.

Jeno, who pursed his lips in a thin line as he let go of Renjun's arms, tried to think of the innocent side but he can't help but think of the sexual way. Oh how he regretted letting his Ten hyung take care of him when he was younger.

"N-No, it's fine. I-I know what you mean." The vampire cursed under his breath for stuttering. Amazing how the almighty Lee Jeno stuttered just for thinking the wrong way.

The two shared an awkward silence, just standing at the entrance to the pool and still not moving in their places.

"Jeno hyung? Renjun?"

The two snapped back to reality, turning their attention to the new voice that joined them.

"Uh, hi Lele." Jeno gave him an awkward eyesmile and an awkward wave, earning a look from the orange haired vampire. Renjun also gave him a soft smile and waved gently.

"What are you doing here, standing randomly–" Chenle asked and eyed the human from his head to toe. "– With Renjun being wet?"

There we go with that wet word yet again. Jeno and Renjun cleared their throat and looked away to the opposite direction, with Chenle finding them even more suspicious.

"U-Uh, n-nothing. W-We're just.. Hanging out, yeah. Hanging out." Jeno gave Chenle a sheepish smile, and rubbed the back of his neck.

The orange haired vampire just nodded hesitantly, he didn't know what happened, but he found them really suspicious when he mentioned the word 'wet'.

"Okay then.." Chenle said and is about to walk away when he remembered something, "Oh and hyung, Mark hyung's looking for you. But he's still taking his guitar lessons right now. Anyways, uh, have fun hanging out."

"Uh yeah." The blonde vampire gave Chenle a smile as the latter walked away.

Sharing an awkward silence once again, Renjun decided to speak up. "Will I g-get punished if I made the c-carpet wet?"

And there we go again. Jeno composed himself, "Uh, no. You know what? Just, come on." He malfunctioned before grabbing Renjun's arms and pulling him to his room.

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