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"Hold on tight."

Renjun gasped and clutched his arms around Donghyuck's shoulders. The male jumped off from the terrace in a very high jump that Renjun could swore he could see the whole city from above. The male chuckled as he turned around, soon spotting on the lake not far from their home.

The chinese still had his eyes closed, and soon breathed out when he felt Donghyuck land smoothly on a surface. He didn't know he hold his breath for too long.

"You can open your eyes now."

Renjun did as told, opening them slowly and soon saw the scenery in front of him. He let his hands loose around Donghyuck's shoulder and let his bare feet touch the cold ground as he approached the lake with sparkling eyes.

Donghyuck could swore he felt his heart beat fast at his ethereal face- but who is he kidding? he has no heartbeat.

"It's beautiful." Renjun says, eyes not looking away from the lake that reflects the moonlight.

"Do you like it?" Donghyuck asks, eyes at Renjun but his ears perked up at the rustling of the leaves which is quite confusing since there isn't any wind. Still eyes on the lake, Renjun nodded his head and observed the calm waters.

Donghyuck clicked his tongue as he looked around the area, sensing someone near them and grab ahold of Renjun's shoulder, pulling the small male closer.

Snother rustling of leaves can be heard and this time, Donghyuck saw the figure and rolled his eyes. He stood on one foot and crossed his arms "You're too noisy, Jaemin."

A snicker can be heard that diverted Renjun's attention from the lake. "I tried, Hyuck." The male says and dropped down from a tree "Oh, you're the entertainer?"

Renjun raised his eyebrows and tilted his head, and that probably made the two turned on at the sight. But Donghyuck kept his composture and stepped on Jaemin's foot to snap back to his senses.

The male grabbed on his foot as he hissed in slight pain. "That fucking hurts, Lee Donghyuck."

"I know."

"Didn't father tell us not to bring him out of the house?"

All three of them were startled at the sudden voice. Renjun was looking around but the two had their eyes up to the tree, watching their younger brother play with a pocket knife. His other leg is dangling from the branches of the tree while his back is leaning on the trunk, eyes red as he swung the pocket knife.

Yup, Donghyuck fucked up "Oh. He did,"

"Why did you bring him here?" The male on the tree says, keeping the knife on his pocket as he leaned forward, now having his two legs dangling on the tree branch as he looked at the two people below him.

"Figured he might wanna see this." Donghyuck shrugs, attention averting to Renjun who's currently at the lake side, squatting while admiring his reflection on the water. "Which he looks like he does."

Jaemin massages his temples. "Dad wants us to go back home. He got some news," The blonde haired male says, "And Jisung, control yourself when you're around that kid. He's got this irresistable scent."

Jisung rolls his eyes as he watched Jaemin turn into a bat and flew away from the place. The pink haired male jumped off from the tree and also walked away, leaving Donghyuck and Renjun behind. The brunette sighed, making his way to Renjun and grabbed him by him arms, pulling him up.

"C'mon, let's go." Donghyuck says wrapping Renjun's arms around his neck as he piggy backed the smaller.

"Hold tight once again." Was the last thing Donghyuck said before jumping up, earning another gasp from Renjun.

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