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"Someone cute."


"What the fuck, Jaemin?"

"What? I wanna taste someone delicious."

"No need to curse, Hyuck. Let Jaemin be." The man says, leaning back on his expensive looking chair. The man places his chin on his hands while his legs are crossed. His sons are all around the room, looking or playing at something entertaining.

"Why exactly would you want to buy someone to entertain us?" Mark brings the topic up, confused at his father's actions.

The man releases a soft chuckle, knowing that this topic will be brought up soon. "Remember what I told you?"

All of them shook their head, looking at their father with confused gazes. "Once Jisung turns a hundred and eighteen i'll bring someone to entertain you."

All six of them nodded in understanding, also remembering back at Jisung's one hundredth birthday what their father had promised.

"Why ask what kind?" Chenle asks, looking at his father with red eyes, craving for something sweet then and there.

"Because I will bring the perfect person for you." The man replies, soon noticing Chenle's hungry eyes. "Bring Chenle out of the room."

The guards inside the man's room took the said boy out, probably letting him drink a lot of the sweet red substance that were stocked on the kitchen.

"Just one?" Jeno asks while pouting, earning a smack at Mark.

"Yes, Jeno, just one." The man replies, looking at the said male with expressionless eyes.

Jeno pouted even more, "Why not one person for each one of us?"

The man shook his head. "One is one, Jeno. Be contented with it."

Donghyuck glances at Jisung, who was looking out the window with blank eyes. The male walks over to where Jisung was, curious on what he sees in the outside world.

"You good?"

The younger nods, "Just thinking what is there outside this house."

"A few more years, Jisungie. then we can go see." Donghyuck reassures the younger, patting his back.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"Where am I?" Renjun thought, getting lost inside the house. He knew it was a bad idea to go out of his room especially if it's one in the morning and he's still new here.

He scanned the place where he is, only a hallway with nothing but doors on the side. He kept on walking further, not bothering if he is lost. He soon came into a large glass door, seeing that it is a large terrace.

The chinese male opens the door, only for cold air to slap his smooth skin. He made his way at the edge of the terrace and leaned his arms on the balustrade, inhaling the cold air. He scanned the view, it was peaceful and magical, unlike where he was last time.

"Enjoying, aren't you?" Renjun jumps at the sudden voice, looking over tot he person who spoke.

It was a guy with orange hair, leaning on the glass door as he intensely looked at Renjun with a luring gaze. He has his arms crossed, which made him look like a prince- according to Renjun.

Renjun looks away, intimidated by his gaze and continued to scan the place while still inhaling the cold breeze. "Y-Yeah.."

The orange haired male chuckles, making his way to where Renjun is before sitting on the balustrade, still staring at Renjun with his signature red eyes. But the chinese male didn't seem to notice the color of his eyes and just stared at the city below.

"A-Aren't you feeling cold?" Renjun asks, feeling uncomfortable of the orange haired male's clothes which was jeans and a white shirt.

The male shook his head, "It doesn't bother me."

"Renjun's your name, right?" The male asks, now staring at Renjun's black yet delicate orbs. The chinese nodded, looking at the male's eyes but soon gasped at his red eyes. "Chenle."

Renjun stepped away, feeling scared at Chenle's red eyes but is soon pinned at the balustrade in a blink of an eye. Renjun felt small in Chenle's gaze, not to mention that he was also in between the male's arms.

"Hm.. Dad really has some taste." The orange haired male muttered, his red eyes scanning every inch of Renjun's beautiful face.

If it wasn't for another male pulling Chenle away from him, then Renjun would've probably died by now for holding his breath.

"You're such a kill joy, Hyuck hyung." Chenle pouted, looking at the other male still with red eyes.

The one named Hyuck rolled his eyes, "Mark hyung told me to look after you and Jisung. Who knows he'll be drained if i didn't stop you right now."

Chenle sulks, face scrunched at Donghyuck who just ruined the moment.

"Here," The male passes a juice box, with Chenle catching it in the process. "I know you're thirsty. Drink that."

The younger male rolled his eyes before heading inside the house through the glass door whilst drinking the juice in the juice box.

"Hi, I'm Donghyuck." The brown haired male says, turning to a shocked looking Renjun.

"H-Huh? Oh.. I'm R-Renjun.." The chinese replies, somewhat feeling safe around Donghyuck.

"Sorry about him. He can't control himself." The male apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck while Renjun shook his head at Donghyuck's words.

"I-It's okay.." Renjun trails, "I-If you don't mind me asking.. W-What is he?"

Donghyuck was taken aback by Renjun's words. But was soon distracted by a sweet scent lingering on the air. He figured it was the chinese male but soon snapped back to reality. "O-Oh .. They didn't tell you?"

The chinese shook his head.

Donghyuck sighs, "I'll tell you soon. For now, where are you going?"

Renjun shrugs, heaving a deep breath and looked at the city below once again. "I don't know actually.."

Donghyuck smiles, and the chinese was sure he was almost blinded at how bright it is.

"Climb on my back, I'm gonna show you something."

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