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"Could it be a vampire that heals?"

Both Yangyang and Jungwoo looked at eachother whilst blinking before turning back to Renjun who is caressing a specific bite mark on his neck that still looks fresh yet no pain is felt no matter how strong he puts force on it.

"No more vampires have that power, right? It's not possible." Yangyang replied, staring at the wound on Renjun's neck.

"Then explain why Renjun's feeling no pain and the wound still looks fresh?" Jungwoo deadpanned, raising a brow while staring at Yangyang with serious eyes.

The younger blinked and visibly gulped, thinking of a way to find an excuse but unfortunately couldn't. Yangyang just slouched on his seat and played with his pen, thinking of another possible ways since he still can't believe that there's still a vampire that heals during these days.

"Are healer vampires that rare?" Renjun asked, sipping on his carton of milk sitting on his table for quite a while.

"I wouldn't call it rare, I would say extinct." Jungwoo replied, alouching on his seat as he took Renjun's pen and played with it while thinking deeply.

"Extinct!?" The older chinese exclaimed.

Yangyang nodded, "No other vampires have that kind of power in Neo City since hundreds of years ago."

Jungwoo let go of the pen he was holding and sat up straight, propping on his desk and leaning on his fists as he looked away from his classmates and just turned at Yangyang and Renjun,

"Okay story time, other vampires are very jealous of those vampires that heal which is why those jealous vampires created a truce with some humans that hate vampires long time ago. Thus, giving birth to vampire hunters. Everyone can't distinguish which one is which, that's how secretive vampire hunters are before."

Jungwoo sighed, "Up until now there are still vampire hunters which hunt those powerful vampires and tear them down, but they blend in really well and they don't tell anyone about anything they are planning."

"That's so messed up." Renjun commented. He's not going to tell them, but he feels genuinely worried over Jeno.

He did heal, if he saw and knew it correctly, back when it was still the first day of classes when Donghyuck broke someone's hands and Jeno was there to heal it up.

The boy sighed and looked down on the table, wondering if they knew about this story.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

"So, it's the weekend. Got any plans?" Yangyang asked, stopping in front of Jungwoo and Renjun as they approached the stairs.

"Would probably cuddle with Lucas the whole day or just eat." Jungwoo replied, adjusting his bag as Yangyang looked at Renjun with his eyebrows raised.

"Uh, just stay at home?" Renjun said, quite unsure of what to answer as he really didn't know what to do.

Yangyang gave the two a smile, "Great! How about we hang out?"

Both Jungwoo and Renjun blinked before looking at eachother then back to Yangyang. The youngest among the three tilted his head as if he did said something wrong. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, not at all." Renjun gave the younger a comforting smile.

"I'll be honest, Yang, you're quite lucky you have two vampire boyfriends who took care of you ever since you wore diapers and then there's me and Renjun, growing up in a cold dark room, chained to the wall." Jungwoo spilled. "And it's better if you haven't seen the dark side of this city."

Yangyang blinked. He didn't really know where to react first, "Okay, first of all, how did you know that I have two boyfriends that took care of me when I was still in diapers. Second of all, What do you mean the two of you growing up in a cold, dark room and chained to the wall?"

The oldest of the three gave Renjun a look, as if asking a permission if he could tell where they grew up. Renjun took a deep breath before signalling him to tell the story.

"Okay, Yang, we'll talk about your boyfriends later. What I mean was Renjun and I are slaves." Jungwoo told him, catching Yangyang off guard.

The oldest just smiled at Yangyang's confused face before continuing, "We're nothing but slaves. If it weren't for Lucas saving me from the people that are about to kill me back in the place where he are held captive, then I would've not be here and I would be in a room, with my skin rotting."

Yangyang's jaw dropped, he didn't know Jungwoo did go through a lot, and he felt sorry for him. The three shared a silence for a few seconds, with Yangyang trying to process what he just heard– not until Renjun spoke.

"I.. was sold."

Yangyang's jaw dropped even more, "What!?"

"I know, a fucked up life, right?" Renjun chuckled sadly and looked down, gripping on his bag tightly. "I wouldn't be here if their father didn't buy me. They wouldn't know me if their father didn't buy me."

Yangyang's jaw never closed as he blinked rapidly, "Y-You're telling me you were held captive to be sold!?"

"Quiet down." Jungwoo sighed, stopping Yangyang from spilling more tea to other people as they are still in a public area.

"I was supposed to be sold to someone too, but due to being in that place for more than twenty years, they just tried to kill–"


Jungwoo stopped midway as a voice entered their conversation. The two, Yangyang and Jungwoo, pursed their lips in a thin line upon seeing the millionaire's son in front of them. That means he heard what they are talking about, right?

Renjun blinked and walked towards the orange haired male, turning towards his friends and bidding them goodbye. "Uh, I'll get going first. See you next week, alright?"

"Y-Yeah sure, take care Injun!" Yangyang waved nervously as he watched Renjun walk away with the millionaire's son with an orange hair. Jungwoo did the same, pursing his lips in a thin line as he thought about them knowing what they are just talking about.

Renjun gulped as Chenle grabbed his wrist, making them walk faster out of the building as there are a lot of humans inside. Did he hear what they were talking about?

There's nothing really special about what they are talking about a while ago, he's just scared if he'll get punished for telling someone how he became close with the sons of the millionaire.

"Hey Renjun."

The human blinked and took a deep breath, "Yeah?"

Chenle looked at him with serious eyes, but the human can definitely see a hint of sadness inside. "Can you come with me somewhere tomorrow?"

Renjun wasn't expecting that, he really wasn't. But nonetheless nodded.

"Sweet." The orange haired vampire smiled before pulling him to their limo. "Let's go home."

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