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"Lee Donghyuck."

Oh shit, he's screwed.

The said male gulped before turning around, completely closing the door behind him. Mark was standing right there, his red eyes piercing through his soul as if he would eat him alive.

"Mark hyung." Donghyuck gulped, intimidated at the older's gaze.

Mark was never this serious, heck despite Donghyuck living with him and treating him as an older brother for a lot of years now, he saw this kind of Mark Lee just now.

And just by his stare he could already feel his strength building up and ready to pounce Hyuck then and there.

"What did dad say?"

The tanned vampire gulped, "L-Let him a-adjust before doing something—"

"And what the fucking hell did you do!?" Mark yelled, his voice echoing the hallway that Donghyuck could swore it can be heard downstairs and could even wake Renjun up.

Donghyuck was lost of words, he felt small under the older's gaze. "I-I.."

Loud footsteps were heard. The two could already guess it's their brothers and some of the butlers judging by how many are they and how loud they are.

"Mark hyung." They heard Jaemin join their conversation, wanting for the two of them to halt before everything gets worse.

Jaemin already knew what Mark can do whenever he's on beast mode, it's either someone's gonna end up in the hospital, or someone's gonna die. He didn't want that to happen.

A click behind Donghyuck echoed in the silent hallway, gathering all the people's attention as it opened slowly. Donghyuck also turned around, seeing a rather cute looking human that has his hair disheveled while the first two buttons of his polo was unbuttoned, revealing his milky white flesh with four familiar dots.

Those four familiar dots on his neck grabbed the attention of the other four.

Renjun froze, dang he knew it was a bad idea after waking up Mark's loud yell and go check it out. His legs was weak, his eyes were barely open, his body looks so wrecked and tired, but that doesn't stop the six of them to check him out.

"O-Oh, I-I guess everything's o-okay.." Renjun stuttered and looked down as he took a step back, closing the door slowly but halted when he felt like he can't push the door any further.

The chinese male looked up, meeting with Mark's dim red eyes that he felt intimidated to. He felt his weak body get pulled out of the room, into the older vampire's arms.

"Stay away from Renjun for now." Mark said, going in front of the chinese male and piggy backed him in front of everyone, walking away from the place.

Once the two was out of sight, Jeno ushered the butlers to go back to their work as the others turned to look at the tanned vampire on the floor, whose eyes are glossy as tears brimmed on it.

"Hyuck hyung, why did you do it?" Chenle asked, crouching down.

Donghyuck sobbed softly, "I-I can't help it.."

"What exactly happened?" Jeno asked, waiting for an explanation from the tanned vampire.

"I w-was thirsty, b-but he asked me t-to stay so I did.. I d-didn't know I would lose control." Donghyuck whimpered, hot tears roll down his face.

They're gonna be honest, they've never seen Donghyuck cry this much before.

And if Jaemin's gonna be honest, he never saw Mark go soft that fast after going on his beast mode. Mark never leaves someone alive whenever that side of him is triggered.

"Renjun trusted you, what did you do?" Jisung joined, his frame leaning on the wall as he continued to play with his knife.

The tanned vampire took a deep breath, wanting to stop himself from crying because why was he crying in the first place? "I broke it, b-but do yoy think he's still g-gonna trust me? I mean, I-I did ask permission..."

"Woah, you asked permission?" Chenle's eyes widened, "That is so not Donghyuck hyung like but–" The orange haired vampire stopped himself from talking after earning deadly glares from the four of his brothers, "Not the right time to joke, got it."

"Trying won't hurt, right?" Jeno gave Donghyuck an eyesmile and a small hope.

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The vampire hummed in response, trying to cover up the exposed bite on Renjun's neck. If you're wondering how did Mark knew about Donghyuck and Renjun, the human's blood is too sweet and strong not to ignore.

"A-Are you m-mad at Hyuck?" Renjun asked softly, his orbs staring at Mark's direction as the vampire opened a band aid.

To say that he's mad is an understatement, but– "No. I'm just disappointed."

"P-Please don't get mad at him." The human said, slightly whimpering as Mark's fingers grazed at where Donghyuck bit him.

Mark sighed, "I won't." He replies, placing the band aids on the small holes before standing up from the bed. Damn, he's not used to covering wounds up with bandages but what can he do? Jeno's not around.

"Take a rest for now. I know you're tired, but please distance yourself to Donghyuck for the mean time." Mark said before turning around and went out of the room.

Renjun stared at the door that Mark just left into before grazing his fingers on his bandaged neck, questions lingering on his mind.

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