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And that's how Renjun ended up on a limo with six other people around him two days after. He was uncomfortable at the stares given to him, not to mention how the whole car ride is quiet.

"Stop staring at Renjun." Donghyuck growled at his brothers who are staring at him with red eyes.

The male sighs before grabbing packets of tomato juice from the mini refrigerator inside the limo, tossing it to Jaemin and Jeno. Jaemin pouted at the brunet's action, poking the straw on the juicebox before sipping on it.

Renjun tugged Hyuck's uniform, "What's that?"

"It's tomato juice." Donghyuck gave the human a reassuring smile.

Renjun's nose scrunched at the smell of the tomato juice lingering around the car. He wasn't really convinced if it is really tomato juice but he decided to shrug it off, thinking that Donghyuck is uncomfortable talking about that topic.

The car soon came to halt, stopping in front of a big building that made the seven boys drop their jaw in awe. It's not that they didn't see that kind of building before, heck their house is even bigger. It's just that they are amazed at how the school- or university, rather, is built. The interior designs are really different and it makes them want to visit the place more without getting sick of it. Not to mention how the building is a two minute ride from the gate.

"We have arrived, young masters." The chauffeur says, earning the attention of the seven boys who are still admiring the university.

Mark cleared his throat, "Let's go."

All seven boys got out of the limo with Renjun still beside Donghyuck. Mark was the first one to enter the big doors, meeting the bright, marble floors and a golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The others followed, making their way to the receptionist.

"Hi, welcome to Neo Tech University. How may i help you?" The lady behind says, greeting the seven boys with a bright smile.

"It is said that we will be going to the auditorium for orientation." Mark replies, obviously not liking how the lady looks at Renjun.

The human looks around, still at awe with the interior designs. How is Neo City this rich?

"Second floor, first entrance that you see." The lady replied, full of enthusiast as her attention turns back to mark "What are your names?"

"Jung Jaehyun's sons." jeno replied, rolling his eyes and earning a look from Mark.

The lady's mouthed shaped an 'o' as she typed in the names of the six of them. Mark's face is enough to convince her that they are really Jung Jaehyun's sons. They are quite known in Neo City, considering how Jaehyun is a millionaire and how he's kind hearted. And the man also mentioned having six sons and said their names in a talk show which made them known.

But the lady frowned, "Mr. jung has seven sons?"

The seven of them- including the lady behind the counter- turned to look at Renjun who's still admiring at the designs of the lobby.

"U-Uhm.." Even Mark didn't know what to reply not until Jisung spoke.

"Mind your own business. His name's Huang Renjun." They could clearly see how Jisung is annoyed at the lady, judging by his position- arms crossed and eyes rolling.

The lady was quite shocked at the latter's words but soon typed in his name. Jung Jaehyun's sons sure are tsunderes.

"Y-You may proceed at the auditorium."

Mark nodded before passing by the receptionist's table, soon finding a big stairs located at the center of the hall. Donghyuck grabbed Renjun's arms and pulled him away, following Mark's ways.

The students at the lobby looked at the seven boys that are making their way on the stairs. They look intimidating for the label of 'new students'- and they look like princes that came out of the castle. A lot of girls are fawning over their looks, faint squeals and compliments are heard as they pass through them.

But the six of them are annoyed at the other students' stares for Renjun.

They knew it's a bad idea for Renjun to enter this school, knowing everyone are paranormals. But if they let Renjun go to a all-human school, who would protect him there?

"I will clearly burn the shit out of them if they won't stop staring at our renjun." Chenle says, hands turning into fists as it releases smoke.

Mark held Chenle's wrists not caring if he's burning. But he soon managed the younger to calm down. "Now's not the right time to rage, Chenle."

The younger pouted but followed the male's steps toward the auditorium. All seven boys soon arrived and took a seat at far back of the auditorium, seeing that a lot of students took place in the front and neither of them wanted to seat in the middle.

"Damn, just how many students are there?" Jeno says, looking around the auditorium as it slowly fills up with students.

Mark checked his watch, "It's almost eight. The orientation should start anytime from now."

Renjun leans closer to Donghyuck, "Are schools here usually start in the evening?"

Donghyuck just nodded. He didn't really know if other schools start in the evening since they are homeschooled their whole life. Their father is too protective over them and waited for Jisung to be of legal age.

Renjun felt someone sit beside him and thought it was just some students that took the vacant seat next to him. Not until he felt eyes on him and turned to the person only to be greeted by red eyes staring on him. The human gulped before looking back on the stage, earning the attention of Donghyuck.

Donghyuck turned to look at Renjun who felt uncomfortable on his seat and looked at the person seated next to the human's.

The male clicked his tongue before growling, "Wanna exchange places?" He asks softly to Renjun.

The human nodded, standing up and exchanging places with Hyuck. And didn't expect that the male will attack the person that was looking at Renjun with red eyes a while ago.

"Touch that human and you're gonna regret it."

Donghyuck gave the sweetest smile that's bright as the sun to the vampite beside him but squeezed the life out of his wrist which made Renjun gasp at his action.

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