My Pet Peeves

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It's 3 am and I've been up all night so of course it's time for ranting!

My two major pet peeves literally make me want to stab people.

If you can get through this without getting cancer or cringing then you get a cookie my dear reader.

1. People who always have to be right.

I love arguing so much it's becoming like a problem

I'll purposely get into comment wars on YouTube or get in arguments on online servers xD

But what I absolutely hate is when people always insist they're right although they have no evidence supporting their claims.

My grammar is on point right now.

Ahem as I was saying-

When I argue, if I screw up somewhere I'll usually admit my mistakes and fix it.

For example, someone I know was getting bullied and being called awful names and I was standing up for the girl saying that she had no reason to be that rude.

Then I found out seconds later that my friend who I was supporting had called the bully names too...


But then I admitted that I was wrong but that my friend was only doing it for self defense considering the bully had acted first.

But of course this asshat kept going on about how she was innocent in the entire affair even though I had pretty hard evidence that she had called my friend fat, ugly, slut, whore etc etc....

Even my four year old brother is an example of this behavior, he always has to be right, everything he says is 100% true unless my dad says otherwise, but the problem is my dad doesn't pay attention to anything and just agrees to everything my brother says just to make him shut up

Great parenting man.

2. People who generalize an entire group.

Stereotypes are the worst possible thing to ever happen to mankind.

I mentioned it in I think 2 or 3 (depending on what I've published so far :3) of my rants.

It's mostly evident for the lgbt community, atheists and Christians.

For lgbt, everyone assumes that a gay or lesbian will hit on every man/woman they see, or they hate Christians or worship satan.

Definition of homosexual-
: of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

I don't see anything relating religion there do you?

Like really gay people are some of the nicest people you will ever meet, they're accepting and just happy like all the time what's not to like about that

Then for atheist, everyone assumes that they completely despise all things religion and have no morals. This is true for some people, but not all. Atheist simply means you don't believe in any sort of deity.

Definition of atheist-
a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
synonyms: nonbeliever, disbeliever, unbeliever, skeptic, doubter, doubting Thomas, agnostic
antonyms: believer

Some people assume that since you don't believe in the afterlife therefore not believing in rewards in the afterlife, an atheist has no reason to do good deeds in life.

But actually, if you didn't believe in an afterlife wouldn't you want to live your life and be kind as much as possible while you're still alive?

At least that's how I think.

It's basically the same thing for Christians. I know that a lot of Christians hate on atheists and also a lot of atheists hate on Christians

<Drinking game- take a drink for every time I've said atheist of Christian in this book :3>

So once again I know very well not all Christians strictly follow the bible, hate gays and want everyone to be exactly like them. There's a rant I haven't published yet that will further describe this.

So while wiring this I've legit thought of over 20 people I want to stab that fall into these categories


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