♡ sunshine ♡

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"Fine!" I scream, salty tears gushing quickly from my eyes. My vision is a blur of bright colors as I run far from my friends' table. "Wait!" I hear, but I don't turn back. I run to the school's fountain and sit on the cold stone ledge. Gripping my hair, there's only one thought running through my mind. Why me, why me, why me? I sob louder; I've become a fountain myself. I bury my head into my trembling hands.

"Excuse me," someone says. "Sorry to bother you, but are you okay?" Startled, I look up. Standing in front of me is a strikingly beautiful girl with flowing silver hair. The sun reflects off it, making it seem like she's adorning a golden halo. Hurriedly wiping my tears, I reply, "It's fine. I'll just go somewhere else," I get up to walk away. "Hold on!" she says urgently. "Is there any way I can help?" she asks.

"Can you bring my dad back from the dead?" I dejectedly reply. The girl looks shocked, which quickly turns into a concerned expression. She brings her hand to her mouth. "Oh my god, is that what happened? I'm so sorry," she sympathizes. "I don't mean to sound rude, but how come you're sitting here all alone?"

I sigh. "My friends told me I would have to 'cool down' if I wanted to sit with them. I sorta lashed out from all the stress and..." I trail off. "I'm sure they didn't mean to offend you," she assures. "Whatever," I say, more harshly than intended. "My name's Daisy. What's yours?" I could tell she was trying to lighten the mood, and I decided to comply. It's not like I had a choice anyways. "Henry," I say reluctantly. "Henry..." Daisy says thoughtfully. "I like that!"

Despite my mood, I manage to let out a small laugh. "Made you laugh!" Daisy teases, displaying her perfect, pearly white teeth. I have no idea why, but I felt like that was the first time she genuinely smiled in a long time. She's so pretty. I blush. Her face grows earnest. "I'm really sorry about your dad, Henry. Would a hug make you feel better?" I contemplate for a few seconds, then I nod.

"C'mere," she says softly, with open arms. She embraces me in a tight but warm hug, and I start sobbing again. Of happiness or grief, I don't know. Her hair feels like silk against my skin. "Shh, it's okay," Daisy coos while stroking my hair repeatedly. "Just let it all out." A few minutes later, I pull away. "Thank you so much for that. And, um, sorry for getting your hair all wet," I say awkwardly. "Oh, pfft, I don't mind," she chuckles. "What matters is that you're okay!" "I am," I say, smiling a little.

"Tell you what," Daisy says. "How about I buy both of us burgers for lunch?" My grin grows even bigger. "I would love that!" I squeal. She laughs. "Can I have the lettuce from your burger?" I blurt out. Realizing how stupid that must have sounded, I mentally slap myself.

To my surprise, Daisy didn't seem weirded out at all. Either that, or she was really good at hiding her emotions. "Of course!" she replies. "I don't like lettuce anyways. I usually take it out of my burger before eating it," she confesses sheepishly, and we start walking to the school's cafeteria. It is only then that I realized that she did not make fun of my height. I smile.

Maybe a ray of sunshine brightening my gloomy day was just what I needed.

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