♡ lake ♡

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Hailey's POV

Finally. The day is here, I think as I step out of the car with Zander. The sun is lower in the sky, so it casts a warm glow across the building of Clozy Concert Hall (name credit to @Icy Crem). "Wow, this concert hall is massive," I hear Zander whistle behind me. He closes the door, and Mom rolls down the car window. "Bye guys! Have fun and good luck!" Zander and I wave to her, and she drives away. "Let's find our friends," I say. Zander and I head towards the front entrance. As soon as we step inside the lobby, I hear "Hailey, Zander! Over here!" I look around and spot Milly waving excitedly to us, and she's with the rest of the music club. I walk over.

"Hey guys! You all look so amazing!" I gesture to their outfits. Milly comes up to me and whispers in my ear. "Are you sure you're not talking about someone in particular?" she snickers. "Wha- huh? What do you mean?" I say. She looks at Jake then back at me and winks. "No, I'm not, Milly! Shut up!" I whisper-yell. She laughs. I feel my face go warm. "Hey, Zander and Hailey?" Sean says. "One of the workers showed us our own practice room. We were just waiting for you two to come before we went in there." "Oh cool." I say. "Well let's go, then. Lead the way," Luke says, grabbing Zander's hand and follows Sean. Zander's face is flushed very red. You're welcome, Lander shippers UvU

I make eye contact with Jake, and we both smirk. A minute later, we reach our practice room. "You guys ready to see?" Sean says. We all nod, and he opens the door. "Wow!" I exclaim. There are acoustic panels covering all the walls and our instruments are put away in the corner, along with Sean's DJ set. I hear Milly gasp. "There's even a mini-fridge!" she yells. She runs over to the fridge, which is next to a table and a couple of chairs. "So we can play our instruments in here?" Zander asks incredulously. "Yup, and since the walls are soundproof, we're allowed to practice even when the other groups are performing." Luke says. "Awesome!" Jake says. "We should start practicing," I say. I hear some chewing. "After Milly finishes her snack." We all laugh.

20 minutes later

"And next up, we have The Five G's!" we all hear. "There's two more groups after them, and then, it's us." Jake says. "How do you know?" I ask. "There's a list here," He points to a paper on the wall. I look at it and let out an amused laugh. "I didn't even notice that." "That's 'cause she's too busy looking at you, Jake," Milly whispers, but only I hear her. "What?" Jake says, looking at Milly. "Oh, nothing~" I kick Milly when no one's looking. Hard. "Quit it, will you?" I ask exasperatedly. She smirks. Suddenly, my stomach starts to hurt. I guess it's from the nerves. "Guys," I tell the group. "My stomach feels a little queasy, so I'm just gonna go outside to get some fresh air." "Alright, just be back soon," Zander says. I nod and leave the room.

10 minutes later (Third Person)

"Guys, it's been 10 minutes, and Hailey's still not back," Luke says worriedly. "And the group before us is just about to start." "Someone should go get her. Milly, you go," Zander says. "Why me?" Jake should go," Milly says. "Why should I?" Jake asks. Duh, because that'll make me the best wingwoman ever, Milly thinks. "Um-" She quickly grabs a brownie from the mini-fridge and begins to eat it. "Because I'm eating." Jake rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

Jake's POV

Welp, guess I'm looking for Hailey now, I walk towards the entrance to go outside. There are still a few workers walking around. As soon I step outside, I spot Hailey sitting near the lake. Her bright teal hair is hard to miss. I walk over. "Hey," I say. She jumps. She rolls her eyes when she sees it's just me. "Mind if I join you?" I ask. "I guess," Hailey sighs. "Nervous?" She chuckles. "Very," "Hey, our performance is something you should look forward to, not dread," Hailey looks at me and sighs again. "I know. But... I don't think the club will take it very lightly if we lose. Especially Zander."

"Hailey," I hug her. "We are not gonna lose!" I exclaim. Hailey pulls back. "How can you be so sure?" "First of all, we are an awesome band, and we sound hella good together," I pretend to do a hair flip. She laughs. "And," I continue. "We wouldn't be this awesome if it weren't for our amazing club president." Hailey's cheeks become slightly pink. "You really think I was an amazing club president?" she asks. "The best," I squeeze her hand. "And if the judges can't see that, then they're losers." Hailey hugs me. "Thanks for coming out here, Jake," she says. "I feel a lot better now." I smile. "Of course. Now, come on, Ms. Club President. The others are waiting inside," I give her a hand. She takes it and stands up. "Let's go win this band competition!" she says confidently, brushing grass off her dress. "That's the spirit!" I say. We both laugh.

Jailey art by becca.linaa (couldn't find their Discord tag sadly qwq)

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