♡ confession ♡

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"Whew, I'm so exhausted!" Jake exclaimed. "Well, at least we have an awesome song now," I smiled at Jake; it seemed to be that I always got lost in his deep brown, chocolate eyes. The past 3 hours I spent with Jake writing our song and laughing felt like a dream. I didn't want it to end, but we had to create a finished product eventually. "Anyways," Jake continued. "I need your help with something." He reached into his backpack and pulled out his pencil case. I raised an eyebrow.

"I want to confess to Daisy tomorrow." Jake admitted. I froze. My heart shattered in a million pieces. "You do?" "Yeah. I just really hope she'll say yes, though." Of course. Why am I even surprised? He's liked her for years. I wouldn't stand a chance, I thought sadly. "So how can I help?" I ask. "You can pretend to be Daisy," he says. "and I'll "confess"" He put 'confess' in air quotes. "Ok, I'm ready," I informed. I stood up straight and tall, and Jake followed suit. He cleared his throat and held his case like a bouquet of flowers. "Hailey," he began. "Daisy." I corrected.

"Er- right, Daisy." he started again. "I like you. A lot." he held out his pouch to me. "Are those supposed to be flowers?" I whisper. Jake nodded. I took the "flowers" and put them on the chair beside me. I looked back at Jake, and he grabbed my hands in his. Startled, I started to redden. "You're sweet, fun, kind, and pretty. You're a great friend and you always have good advice," he continued. "And you have beautiful te- I mean, white hair." Jake added as an afterthought. "Tell me, Daisy, do you feel the same way?" Am I supposed to say yes? That won't be hard for me to act.

"Y-yes Jake I do!" I said in a Daisy-like voice. "I really do feel the same way!" And for good measure, I hugged him. Act forgotten, Jake pulled back and asked wonderingly, "Do you really think she'll say that?" "Of course. Who would be stupid enough to reject you?" Jake playfully punched my shoulder. "You flatter me," he said, chuckling. "Oh, and that was really good acting by the way." I shot Jake a fake smile. If only you knew.


Hailey was grabbing her lunchbox out of her locker when suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder. She spun around. Facing her was Jake. Hailey felt her face get warmer. "Hi Jake! What do you need?" she asked. "I need to tell you something," Well whatever it is, it has to be good news, Hailey thought. Jake was bouncing on the balls of his feet and his face radiated joy. "You're the first one I'm telling this to, actually." he said. Hailey became happy that he thought of her first.

"So what is it?" she asked, smiling. She shut her locker door. "Daisy agreed to go out with me!" Jake pumped his fist in the air. Hailey felt as though a thousand bricks were tumbling down on her. Her throat went dry. "Sh- She- did?" she whispered in disbelief.

Jake seemed to get the wrong idea because he said, "Yes, I know! I'm just as shocked as you are!" "Well, um, uh- congratulations!" Hailey exclaimed.

"Oh, and another thing I have to tell you," Jake continued. "I won't be having lunch with you and the rest of the club since Daisy and I wanted to sit together today. Is that fine?" he asked. "Oh- uh- yeah, sure. Definitely. That's cool." Hailey rambled, but Jake didn't notice. "Great!" He clapped his hand on Hailey's shoulder. "See, this is why you're such a good friend. You're so understanding." he smiled. Hailey looked at her shoulder. "Yeah, friends," she murmured super quietly.

"Anyways, I gotta go now. See ya later, princess." Jake dashed away. "See ya," Hailey said gloomily. She turned and walked the other way, her spirits feeling very low.

A/N: hahahaha we love making hailey suffer >:)

Image by •NekoNekoNii• on YouTube :D

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