♡ your ears can deceive you | part 2 ♡

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Ding. Hailey looked up from her tear-streaked pillow and checked her phone. Oh no, not him, she thought with a mixture of anger and sadness. Why is he even texting me this late? The notification read, "We need to talk Hailey! You don't know the full story. Please listen to me- Jake." Probably some dumb, lame excuse, Hailey thought. She should be sleeping now, as it was Sunday night, but she wasn't feeling sleepy. She kept playing Friday's events repeatedly in her mind like a movie reel.

Why? Hailey asked herself for the tenth time that day. I thought I could trust him. Why didn't I listen to Zander?! UGH. And to think that I actually liked him! She was torn between the idea of banning Jake from their Music Club or to sit down and listen to his side of the story, whatever it was. But how could she face him at school, knowing what Jake said about her. And just as I thought we were growing closer, she thought regrettably.

Even Zander had noticed something was off when Hailey came home that day. She hadn't even acknowledged his presence; she just went to her room and shut herself in there for hours. "Hailey, are you ok?" Zander asked outside her door, bracingly. He waited for her to yell at him to go away. But instead... "Yes, Zander, I'm okay. Don't worry about me." Zander could've sworn Hailey's voice went shaky, and her breathing was uneven and shallow.

"Did Jake do something? I swear, if that son of a bi-"

"I said, I'm doing just fine!" Hailey said, her voice still shaky. "Well, if you realize Dad's gun has been missing one day, you'll know why." Zander says. Hailey could hear his footsteps growing fainter.

The next day

Hailey woke the next morning feeling tired. She didn't get much sleep at all, but she was in a decent mood. For about thirty seconds. Then she realized, Oh no, I have to see him at school! What am I going to do?! Hailey couldn't bear seeing that text from Jake, let alone his own face! If I see him, I won't talk to him. I will just pretend he doesn't exist and go on with my day as normal.

At school

As Hailey and Zander neared the school entrance, they saw the last person they wanted to see. Oh my god, was Jake waiting for me? Hailey thought, panicking. "Hailey!" he called, his eyes widening. He waved, but she ignored him. Hailey didn't even have to look at Zander to know that he was giving Jake a death stare.

In class

It was hard for Hailey to not just get up in the middle of class and slap Jake. Every time she looked at his face, anger coursed through her body like poison, and she felt like she was being taunted. But at the same time... her eyes would almost well up with tears whenever she saw Jake, but she would stop herself before it got there. Hailey knew deep down, somewhere inside of her, she wanted to listen to Jake. After all, he went so far as to get the whole school's support for them. She wanted to forgive him. And hear his laugh and see his adorable smile. But the side of her that was furious overpowered that feeling.

Bring! Bring!

Thank god this is the last class of the day, Hailey thought. I don't think I can stand this for another second. She rushed out of class and went to her locker. She grabbed her books and backpack, and waited by Zander's locker for him. Once he was packed up, they left through the school doors together. Thankfully, Jake wasn't here this time.

"Hey Zander?" Hailey said. "Hm?" "I'm gonna go to this park for a little bit, is that okay?" Zander looked up from his phone and raised an eyebrow. "To just clear my head- and stuff, y'know." Hailey said. Zander shrugged. "Eh, sure whatever, but are you sure you want to walk home by yourself?" "Yes, I'll be fine." Hailey assured. Zander walked off.

Hailey entered the park and sat down on the edge of the large stone fountain. She grabbed her water bottle from her backpack and began to drink. She turned her gaze to look across the park, and what she saw nearly made her spit her water out.

There, sitting on one of the garden benches, facing away, was a certain blonde-haired someone with coral tips.

It was Jake.

Jailey art made by keeah#0207 on Discord :D

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