♡ get well soon ♡

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Sunlight is streaming through my windows, and I have a headache. Great. I check the time. It's 10 AM. Crap. I was supposed to be at work 4 hours ago! I must've overslept! I rush out of the room to find that my roommate has already left. Achoo! I sneeze. I feel horrible and my throat hurts so much. There's no way I can go to work. I open my cell phone, and I'm not surprised to find a bunch of missed calls from my boss. Feeling regretful, I quickly dial her number. She immediately picks up.

"Hey, why aren't you here yet? Is everything okay?" she asks. "Not really. I caught a cold. I don't think I can make it today." I sigh. She's silent for a few seconds. "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. In that case.. uh.. you should probably stay home." I feel relieved. "Oh, thank you so much, Stacy," "And get plenty of rest. Take care." "Bye," I say. I go to the bathroom to freshen up, and I eat some buttered toast for breakfast. I switch on my laptop to get some work done.


At about 12, I hear I knock on the door. Ugh. I stay silent and pray that whoever it is goes away. I really don't want anybody to see me in this state. They knock again. Oh my god. They knock a third time. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I say grudgingly. I walk over to the door and open it. Standing in front of me is--

"Sean?! What're you doing here?"

"Hey," he says, smiling. I roll my eyes and sigh. "What do you want?" "Woah, woah. No need to get so mad. Stacy told me you were sick-"

I raise an eyebrow. "So?" "So," he continues. He holds up a bulging tote bag. "I got you some things to make you, um, feel better." Aw, that's sweet of him.

"Thanks-" Cough, cough. "But you sho-" Cough, cough. "You're clearly not feeling well," Sean frowns. His eyes light up. "I know! I'll make you soup!" And before I know it, he's inside my apartment. "Shouldn't you be at work?" I ask in my raspy voice. "Lunch break," he says simply, setting the bag on my table. Oh, yeah. I forgot. "You don't have to do this, Sean." "I know that. I'm doing this 'cause I want to."

Soon the kitchen smells like, well, soup. But it smells good. "Hey, where do you keep the onions?" Sean asks. "They're-" Cough, cough. "In the-" Cough, cough. "Nevermind, I'll just find them myself," he says. I look back in the tote bag to find a box of... blackberries? "You got me blackberries?" I ask Sean, confused. "Huh? Oh, yeah. I know you really like them, so-"

"Huh. Thanks, I guess," I reply. I also spot face masks and three full-size Twix bars. My favorite type of face mask and my favorite candy? "How'd you know these are my favorites?" "I asked Daisy for help," Sean chuckled lightly. "This is super unnecessary," I say, sighing. "You're acting like I don't know that," Sean turns around to face me and crosses his arms. "When I heard that my favorite coworker is sick, I figured I'd make it my duty to make sure she feels better." He winks. My face flushes.


About fifteen minutes later, Sean places a bowl of warm soup in front of me. "Enjoy," he says cheerily. I take a quick sip. "Wow, that's really good," I say, surprised. "What, you thought I was a bad cook?" he says in pretend shock. I chuckle and take a few more sips.

I catch Sean staring at me in the corner of my eye. "Um," I say. "Could you not stare at me while I'm drinking this?" I ask awkwardly. "Oh, sorry," he says quickly, snapping out of his trance. "I'm just trying to figure out how you look that beautiful even when you're sick." My face heats up, and not because of the soup's steam. I roll my eyes and continue drinking it.

I suddenly start sneezing. A lot. Sean quickly hands me a box of Kleenex from the tote bag. "Who are you trying to be with that endless bag? Hermione?" I ask, blowing my nose. A/N: If you get this reference, I stan you. He chuckles, displaying his adorable dimples, and I can't help but crack a smile. I start drinking my delicious soup again, and before I know it, my bowl is empty, and I'm full. "Wow, that was fast," Sean remarks smugly. "Seconds?" "No thanks," I reply, placing the glass bowl in my sink.

"Ugh, my headache is getting worse," I say, closing my eyes. "You should get some sleep," I hear Sean suggest softly. I open my eyes. "Are you kidding?" I ask incredulously. "When I still have so much work left to do?" He sighs heavily. "See, this is exactly your problem. You're always so hard on yourself. Mental health matters too, y'know. Besides, Stacy told you to get plenty of rest, did she not?"

Believe me, I was so tired. But there was no way I could go to sleep knowing that I can be doing more productive things.

"But-" Cough, cough. "I can't-" Cough, cough. Sean looks at his wristwatch. "I gotta go soon, but I'm not leaving until you take a nap." he says sternly, looking me in the eye. I scoff. "What am I? Some baby that needs to be tucked into bed?" He looks at the ceiling a couple seconds then looks back at me. "Yes, yes you are," he says with a laugh. I exhale loudly. "Ugh," I say. I head to my room and lie on my bed. "Happy?" I ask, after pulling the blankets over myself. "Very. Sweet dreams~" he says. He comes closer and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"And get well soon, my sweet Sadie."

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