♡ your ears can deceive you | part 1 ♡

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Jake walked down the school's steps. He was greeted by his "friends", Drew, Liam, and Henry. It seemed to be that Liam and Henry were arguing about something. Probably about Liam's weird taste in girls, Jake thought. "Hi Drew!" Jake said cheerily, waving at him. Drew just glared.

"What is it with you?" Drew asked, clearly irritated. "What do you mean?" Jake asked, confused. "I mean, you're getting so close to those music freaks!" Drew said angrily. "Don't call them freaks." Jake said quietly, but Drew didn't hear him. "And especially that teal-haired girl. I've seen you two hanging out. You don't actually like her, do you? I thought you were doing all this just for Daisy." Drew continued, his eyes narrowing.

"Yeah well-" Jake stopped. Was he doing all this for Daisy? He wasn't even sure if he had a crush on her anymore. He quickly found out that being with the music club was fun, regardless of why he was there. It was the only place where he could sing to his heart's content and not be made fun of. Besides, he'd seen Daisy and Sean hang out, and the way Daisy looked at him was... different. Jake could tell she was more comfortable around Sean, and every time he sung a love song to Daisy, her smile looked awkward and forced. He wasn't that oblivious. But he'd liked her for years, and he was taking this very heavily.

But Hailey... Now that Jake thought about it, every time he was around her, he felt like smiling. And every time he saw her his heart beat faster. And the first time he heard her sing? He was blown away. No, it wasn't possible! Was it? But how? "What? Um- no haha of course not," Jake said unconvincingly. "I'm just- just... getting on Hailey's good side that's all." His response seemed to satisfy Drew because he smiled triumphantly and turned to talk to Liam and Henry.

"How could you?" said a quiet voice behind Jake. He whipped his head around. There stood Hailey, a hurtful expression on her face. Jake immediately realized he'd made a big mistake. "Hailey?" She ran inside. "Hailey, wait!" he called after her. "Wha- Jake, what are you doing? Why are you running after that cow?" Drew spluttered, but Jake didn't care. He followed Hailey.

"Hailey, listen to me! I didn't mean any of that. I was just-" "I heard enough, Jake!" Hailey said, her voice cracking. It sounded like she was on the verge of crying. "Hailey, you don't understand! I- I- I- I love you." Jake finished. He could tell what he said startled her, but he meant it. Hailey stopped in her tracks, but she still didn't face him.

"No, you don't." she said so icily that Jake felt his heart shatter in a million pieces. He saw Hailey wipe her eyes with her hand. Hailey forcefully pushed open the exit door, the wind making her long, teal hair flow behind her. He doesn't actually love me, she thought bitterly. He's just saying that so I can forgive him.


Jailey art by Catzi22#0300 on Discord :D

(yes i used their art again- theyre seriously talented, ok?)
go show them love and support <3

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