My heart races as I stare blankly at the wall while the overwhelming thoughts fill my head. Maybe I should just check what my frie-my internet friends are up to..I get up to grab my phone while my eye quickly glances over at the blade in the corner of my desk. I just try to forget about it. Going on Ifunny won't hurt.. I go over to my Notification Feed. 'Marx' commented- "get off a comedy app and do something with your life u emo fggt" Just ignore them, I think to myself. NEW COMMENT-"Boo hoo, go vent somewhere else, whore!" Who cares, i softly say to myself, but one little comment stands out the most. "Hey, are you doing ok?"-Strangeusername, I go to his account and at the same time I get a new kik message NEW KIK MESSAGE-"hi, how are you doing?" I go to this new kik message and I just stare at the message thinking, why the fuck would someone wanna talk to me? So I kik back "I'm fine, but I don't like talking about myself much so, how are you doing?" He replies back with "not so well" and after that we texted all night like we knew each other for years and we could tell each other anything, but then he asked a simple question that could ruin an entire conversation...

Hello Internet friend
Teen FictionA suicidal teen who..kinda..falls in love with an internet friend, the distance doesn't matter for these two, but one day something goes..well..a bit unexpected.|| TRIGGER WARNING||